Chapters 18: Confrontations and Revelations

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Now if you're ever wondering

About the way I'm feeling

Well baby girl there ain't no question

Just to be around you is a blessing

Sick and tired of trying to save the world

I just want to spend my time with you girl

And what you're giving me

Let's me know that we'll be alright.

-Justin Timberlake Until The End Of Time

I woke up feeling like a weight was on my chest. My eyes were met with a head full of black hair. It was then I realized that I was laying on my back, holding Pansy on top of me.

I smiled as I moved the hair and tucked it behind her ear. I studied her face. She looked so innocent, so vulnerable, so sweet. She made me actually want to cry the way her beauty was radiating in her sleep.

I was such a sappy git.

I stroked her soft cheek trying to wake her. She started stirring and she finally opened up her green/gray eyes and looked around as realization set in.

She smiled at me and covered her mouth. "Morning" she said in a muffled voice.

I looked at her puzzled. She laughed, mouth still covered. "My morning breath is terrible." she said as she climbed off of me, my body missing the warmth in an instant.

I laughed and realized that I had the same problem. We rushed to the bathroom (I had to wait while she used it first) and brushed our teeth.

"Now that I can speak properly, sorry for falling asleep on you." said Pansy after she rinsed her mouth out.

I rinsed out my mouth as well, spitting out the mouthwash and checking my teeth for anything left over. "It was okay. You were warm. Like a living breathing blanket."

Pansy blushed. "So silly Harry. But now I guess it's time to face reality, yeah?"

"What are you going to do?" I asked her.

"I want to confront them both. And I think that Draco should know as well."

"Do you want me to come with you?" I asked. "For support? And also so Seamus can't lie?"

Pansy brushed my hair out of my face. "And to keep Ginny at bay. Thanks Harry." she said.

We went back to our rooms and got dressed for the day. It was a Sunday so we were able to keep it casual.

We walked out of the dorm and to the great hall for a late breakfast. Unfortunately neither Seamus nor Dean were there. Probably were sleeping off hangovers, the great gits.

We did however run into Ginny who was extremely mad as she stabbed her scrambled eggs with her fork.

"Ginny, what's the matter?" asked Pansy.

"Can I PLEASE say something now? Draco is mad at me because I won't tell him why I'm mad and now he is acting like a total prat!"

We looked over at the Slytherin table and sure enough, Malfoy was sitting there sulking like a child while Zabini was seeming to take the mickey out on him.

"I'll go talk to him." said Pansy as she walked away.

Ginny once again stabbed at her eggs. "I still can't believe they did this to her. Pansy is a good person. She didn't deserve for this to happen to her."

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