Chapter 9: Hufflepuff vs Slytherin

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This will have some of the last chapter in the beginning of it so yes you are seeing double lol.

Please don't be in love with someone else

Please don't have somebody waiting on you

We had gotten out of our meeting about the Yule Ball and had entered our dorm when my mum's huge eagle owl Artemis came and perched on my shoulder holding a letter in her beak.

I rolled her eyes in disgust as I snatched the letter out of the owl's mouth. "Great, just what I needed." I growled.

"What's the matter?" asked Harry.

"Just a letter from my dear old mummy." I said feeling myself getting annoyed.

"I take it letters from home aren't welcomed?"

"Hardly. It's more than likely her harping and reiterating her guidelines to keep me acting like her precious proper pureblood princess."

"Nice alliteration" said Harry clearly trying to make me laugh.

"Thanks." I said giving him a small chuckle as I ripped the envelope open and sat down to read the letter. I liked that he always tried to do something whenever he seen me upset.

I read the letter and as I did, a flood of different emotions came over my body. Each one going from bad, to worse.

Dearest Pansy,

It has been awhile since I have heard from you lovely. How are you doing? How are your Head Girl duties? I had figured you were ruling over your peers with grace as well as an iron thumb. However, it has come to mine and your father's attention that you have been seen spending your time with other houses, namely Gryffindor.

I was very distraught to hear that you haven't really talked to your friends lately and have now associated yourself with blood traitors and Mudbloods. What is going on with you?

Another thing I have heard is that you and Draco seem to be in some troubled waters. Apparently you haven't been seen talking to him or even associating yourself with him much. Why am I hearing such things? You and Draco are perfect together darling and you and Draco's marriage will be everything you ever wished for. Stop blowing him off.

I want to hear from you more. And I do not want anyone writing me with any more horrid reports. You are a Parkinson. You need to act like one.

All my love,


"Why that no good (rip) arrogant (rip) snooty (rip) insensitive (rip) pig!" I yelled as I ripped up the letter and threw it in the fireplace.

“Incendeo” I said, igniting the fireplace and burning that horrid letter.

"Are you okay?" asked Harry.

"No I'm not. I'm so sick of not having a life of my own! Not being able to be me! And whoever has been running their mouths shall surely get it!" I said, my body shaking with rage.

"What do you mean? What happened?" he asked as he put one of his hands on my shoulder.

His concerned touch caused me to flinch "It's nothing. I...I can handle it. I'll be fine." i said getting up and walking out the door.

I couldn't believe that someone at this school was playing tattletale and going to my parents, telling them shit. My mind was racing as I headed to Slytherin dungeons.

I went into the Slytherin common room looking for Draco. The only people in there were Millicent and Daphne.

"Have either one of you seen Draco?" I asked the girls.

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