Chapter 8: Falling

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Please don't be in love with someone else.

Please don't have somebody waiting on you.

I truly hated balls.

Last ball I attended with the Yule Ball we had during the Triwizard Tournament. Parvati Patil was my date and while she was nice at first, I had let the night go to waste pining for Cho Chang. So I wasn't much of a date.

Besides, we had to waltz and I didn't particularly fancy doing that type of dancing.

However, with Pansy and I helping plan the ball out, I felt a bit better about it. We had booked The Weird Sisters once again along with another wizard band, Lee Jordan was going to DJ for us, there was going to be dry snow for snowball fights, ice sculptures, and we were going to freeze over the lake for ice skating as well as many other events so it wouldn't just be your standard stuffy ball. I was indeed excited for this one.

Most of it was Pansy's ideas. which surprised me. I figured that with her being a girl, she would enjoy all the frills and fanciness, but she wanted to have just as much fun as I did.

We had gotten out of a meeting and had entered our home, when this huge eagle owl came through the open window and perched on Pansy's shoulder, holding a letter in its beak.

Pansy rolled her eyes in disgust as she snatched the letter out of the owl's mouth. "Great, just what I needed." she growled.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"Just a letter from my dear old mummy." said Pansy, her voice dripping with annoyance.

"I take it letters from home aren't welcomed?"

"Hardly." said Pansy. "It's more than likely her harping and reiterating her guidelines to keep me acting like her precious proper pureblood princess."

"Nice alliteration" I said trying to cheer her up.

"Thanks." she said giving me a small chuckle as she ripped the envelope open and sat down to read the letter.

Her facial expression changed from boredom, to annoyance, to disgust, and then landed and stayed on rage.

"Why that no good (rip) arrogant (rip) snooty (rip) insensitive (rip) pig!" yelled Pansy as she ripped up the letter and threw it in the fireplace.

“Incendio.” she said, lighting the fireplace and burning the scraps.

I hadn't seen her this mad since 4th year when her and Hermione had gotten into it.

"Are you okay?" I asked her hesitantly.

"No I'm not. I'm so sick of not having a life of my own! Not being able to be me! And whoever has been running their mouths shall surely get it!" said Pansy with rage.

"What do you mean? What happened?" I asked putting a hand on her shoulder.

Pansy drew back from me, her green eyes looking as if they were swirling like a storm. "Its nothing. I...I can handle it. I'll be fine." she said getting up and walking out the door.

A piece of the letter hadn't made it into the fire. I picked it up and made out the words "you and Draco's marriage."

For some odd reason I felt a twinge of jealously as well as a bit of betrayal. She had told me that it wasn't like that with her and the git, and here her mother was writing about her and Malfoy's marriage?!

I angrily balled up the scrap of paper and threw it into the fire. So Pansy and Malfoy were getting married? Then what's that bullshit with Malfoy and Ginny? He acted like he was over the moon for her, everyone could see it. And from what Ginny had told Pansy and I, she was going to the ball with him. What was he playing at? Why was he fooling around with Ginny's emotions like that?

And then Pansy acting as if Malfoy was nothing but a brother to her and here she is marrying the bloke?! What the hell was that all about? She couldn't marry him!

I thought she had changed. I thought she was trying to be a better person. Guess I was wrong. Wait why did I even care? This was Pansy Parkinson. The Slytherin Princess, the Queen Bee, the mean girl. She was the one that joined in with Malfoy's mocking all these years. She was the one who had gotten into it many times with Hermione. She was the one that used to be a total bitch.

Used to be. Now she was kinder. She was hanging out with more Gryffindor than anyone else other than Malfoy and Zabini. She had stopped her teasing, and I had even seen her and Hermione joke around a couple times.

She had become sweet and sensitive. She had opened up more to people, especially to me. And you couldn't deny her beauty. But now, her inner beauty matched her outer.

If this was the new Pansy why the hell did  she still want to be with that prick Malfoy? And what's worse, spend the rest of her life with the git. It was absolutely ridiculous. I couldn't imagine her being happy with him. He didn't seem to make her laugh the way she would when we would joke around. He was so damn full of herself. I doubt he ever told her she was pretty. He surely wouldn't put her needs ahead of himself, the spoiled brat. Hell, he was more of a fucking princess than she was.

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. The reason why this was bothering me so much, the reason why I was feeling jealousy instead of nothing.I was beginning to fancy Pansy Parkinson.


I couldn’t  fancy her. She was already going to marry that bitch Malfoy. Guess that meant she was engaged or something. Imagine me, trying to court an engaged woman. Preposterous.

Of course, me trying to get with her would probably be like I was saving her. And while Ginny put up with his antics for some odd reason, I for one did not and Pansy didn't need to. It seemed she had enough on her plate.

I had to investigate this bullshit. Something had to be done.

Or did it?

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