Chapter 12: Couples Night

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You have me calling out your name

What is this strange thing inside me

How can anyone be such a fool

When you know you love me, yes you do, yes you do

When I first met you

I could hardly see

But now I'm blind, for real

I wish you knew how to rescue me

From this misery

-Erykah Badu No Love

It had been a month since the Yule Ball and it seemed as if I was living in an everlasting bad dream.

For some reason, Susan and I's Yule Ball date translated to a full on relationship to her so I found myself with a girlfriend that I didn't know I was going to have.

And what made matters worse is that it seemed as if Pansy and Dean had got together that night too.


I sat in the common room throwing pieces of parchment into the fire. I felt bad for what Pansy had seen. She had looked as if she was completely devastated. I had to stay up and wait for her. I had to explain to her that I hadn't initiated anything and that I was just as shocked as she was.

I had waited for an hour and thought about saving the conversation for tomorrow, when the portrait opened and Pansy walked in.

I had half expected her to walk in still furious, but she walked in as if she was mesmerized by something. She put her back against the wall, sighed, and then giggled as if she was replaying a secret in her head.

"Pansy?" I said getting off the sofa. I had braced myself for a sound scolding.

"Oh Harry! I didn't think you would be back so soon." she said cheerfully.

"I've been here for an hour. I told Sue I was tired. I wanted to talk to you."

"Talk to me? Whatever for?" asked Pansy taking off her shoes. "Merlin, my feet hurt."

"Let me help you." I said, ready to pick her up and put her on the sofa.

"Oh don't be silly Harry I got it." she said as she tiptoed over to the sofa and sat down, placing her feet on the footstool in front of it.

"Pansy can we talk?"

"Sure Harry what is it?"

"I just wanted to apologize for what happened at the ball. I had no idea she was going to kiss me. Especially like that." I said sitting beside her.

Pansy waved nonchalantly. "Oh that. It's okay Harry. I was a bit upset and overreacted at first, but I got over it."

"Good. I didn't want you to be even more upset with me. "

"I appreciate that."

"So what happened when you left? I didn't see you any since then." I asked.

Then Pansy went into the horrid story of her and Dean and how they talked and skated around the lake and danced and had just a jolly good time. I felt my blood boiling with jealousy, but I didn't show it.

"That sounded fun." I forced out. "I'm glad you had a good night."

"Oh I had a brilliant night Harry and best of all, it ended with a kiss." said Pansy sighing.

And then the record scratched in my head.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked.

"He walked me to the portrait and told me how he liked me and he gave me a kiss. And then I kissed him back." she said happily.

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