Chapter 13: Letters And Piano Keys

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This chapter picks up where the last one left off.

Forgive me if I seem to need you too much

You illuminate my soul

Don't think that I could breathe without your touch

You could never know

When I'm with you I've got nothing to hide

You know me, you know me

I need you to survive

I know I'm alive when you hold me

Hold me

-Daniel Bedingfield All Your Attention

I never felt enraged in my entire life. I couldn't believe I allowed myself to lose control like that. And in front of Dean and my friends.

I wanted to kill her. I wanted to rip every single hair out of her head and make her eat it all. I wanted her to bleed.

At least I managed to black her eye, that bitch.

"Are you okay, love?" asked Dean after Harry chased after his whore."

"I'll be fine. I'm sorry I acted that way in front of you." I said, very much ashamed of myself.

"Don't apologize. That bint slapped you. You did exactly what I would have if she was a bloke and had done it to me."

"Shit, hexing isn't hitting. I'll hex her legs together if you want me to." said Blaise.

"She's gonna pay for hitting me in my lip." said Ginny. "I have a Bat Bogey hex cooking up with her name written all over it."

"That was uncalled for." said Hermione (we were actually almost friends). "She didn't need to slap you no matter what you called her."

"Thanks Hermione. And all of you. Right now, I just want to be alone."

Ginny and Luna hugged me while the others waved and walked out the door.

"Are you sure you're okay?" asked Dean once more.

I managed a smile. "I'll be fine. And don't believe her for a second okay?"

Like I'd listen to anything that mental bint says." he said kissing me.

"See you tomorrow." I said waving him off.

I found myself shaking. I felt as if I was about to explode. I needed something to do with my hands, so I walked over to the grand piano, sat down, and started playing Clair De Lune by Debussy. A song that would calm me down.

As I played, I reflected on what had happened. What I said. What I did. What she had said.

Was I really jealous of Harry and Susan's relationship? I couldn't be. I was right when I said that Harry didn't treat her like a girlfriend. At least not in front of me. But for me to care about that did it mean that I still liked Harry?

I had Dean. I liked Dean. I liked him a lot. He was so sweet and funny and he made me feel important. Wanted. Safe.

But Harry made me feel the same way too. We were still friends and I would still study and joke around with him, he would still check on me, and I would still fix his tie before we would leave for class. I shouldn't have still felt anything for him, especially since I did have such a great person in my life.

I was so in tune with my thoughts and the music that I didn't notice Harry sitting down on the bench beside me. It made me jump.

"No." said Harry in a low but sweet voice. "Don't stop. It's beautiful. Besides, you still owe me a song."

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