Chapter 21: Growing Up

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Because of this chapter, I had to change the rating from T to M. It isn't raunchy or anything, I tried to make it as sweet as I could seeing as they were losing their virginity and it's all in Pansy's POV. But it still deals with lemons know... ;)

I felt the sun

Shine so bright on me

Chased the rain from my heart

Through the storm

Through the darkest night

I found my brightest star

One magic moment

Made one magic night

I fell in love

With one look in your eyes baby

I never knew I could feel so loved

Darling, in your arms

I could feel forever

-Mya My First Night With You

A Potter. I was actually a Potter. I couldn't even believe it as it was happening right before my eyes.

During my 2 years of infatuation, I did what every silly schoolgirl did when it came to her crush. Writing our initials in hearts, writing his and my name all over my parchment covers, imagining what our wedding and kids would look like. I used to imagine us getting married on the beach for some odd reason. Maybe because the beach would soothe me. And then we would live in a big house with four children. Three little black haired girls and one little unruly black haired boy with eyes like mine while the rest had vibrant eyes like their father. They even had names. Lily, Aria, Jade, and Jasper. And Harry would be a professional Quidditch player and I would be a concert pianist.

Of course, Harry knew none of this. He would probably think it childish of me. I for one seen it as a dream partially come true. Maybe a bit early, but still.

So far, everything but my last name was the same. Only I felt my emotions changing from a deep infatuation to something more intense. And it scared me how quickly it was happening.

After the ball, Ginny, Draco, Ron, and Hermione came back with us to our dorm. And when we walked into the room, we had found it had changed.

The common room seemed to had gotten bigger. There were three extra rooms; a small kitchen, a dining room, and another loo.

"I guess Dumbledore wanted you two to know what marriage life was really like." said Ron as he admired our new living space.

The stairs had changed as well and instead of separating and leading to our separate bedrooms, it was on staircase that led to one door. Which meant..

"There is only one bedroom now." said Harry.

"One bedroom? Dumbledore is allowing this?" asked Hermione sounding as if she didn't approve.

"I mean we are married now so I guess us sleeping in the same bed is the norm." I said.

"If you find it awkward we can ask him to change it back." said Harry timidly.

"I'm fine if you are." I said staring up at the door.

"Well I guess we will leave you to it then?" said Ron smirking at Harry. Harry rolled his eyes and pushed him while Hermione slapped his arm.

The four walked out of our "home" and shut the door behind them, leaving us standing in the middle of the floor looking awkwardly at the staircase.

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