Chapter 6: The Birthday Party Part 2

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This night is flawless, don't you let it go

I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone

I'll spend forever wondering if you knew

I was enchanted to meet you

The party was amazing.

Everybody was dressed up as something. I had glanced at Pansy a couple times, loving how her black dress was hugging her small but curvy frame. Her hair that was usually put up in a bun or a ponytail was long and flowing. I found myself wanting to run my fingers through it.

Pansy had grown on me over the past month. She seemed to let me in a tiny bit day by day. I had found out that her favorite subject was potions, something she was extremely good at. Her marks were extremely close to Hermione's in that subject. She liked muggle music more than she did wizard, and she wasn't a muggle hater like I had perceived her to be. Matter of fact, she held no prejudice to them at all, which was a good thing. She also loved sweet things. Chocolate and droobles being her favorite.

I also discovered she was very observant and almost motherly. After a couple of weeks, she had gotten into the routine of fixing my tie for me before we went to breakfast. She wouldn't let me leave the room until my uniform looked right. And while most blokes would find that annoying, I found it endearing. It also let me know that she noticed me, which was brilliant because I was starting to notice her more too.

I was sitting over on a stool by myself nursing a butterbeer, when I saw Pansy coming my way. She looked as if she was nervous and had something on her mind.

I was about to get up and see what was wrong, when Susan popped up out of nowhere demanding a dance out of me. I saw Pansy's face change to disappointment and a hint of anger.

Susan had dragged me onto the dance floor and while I had a bit of fun dancing with her, my mind was stuck on Pansy. I had a chance to look at her and the look she had made me feel horrible. Like I was the one that had wronged her.

A couple minutes later I had gotten another chance to glance back over to where I was sitting and she was gone. I looked around the area where we were and I didn't see her. I got worried.

"Hey Sue," I said. "I need to go and find Pansy and see if she's okay."

Susan scrunched up her nose. "Why do you need to look after her? She's a big girl. She can take care of herself."

"True, but I did invite her here." I reminded her.

"You invited me too Harry!" she proceeded to remind me.

"I know that. I invited all my friends. And Pansy didn't seem like she was happy so I'm going to go and find her. "

Needless to say, Susan was pretty upset but I didn't care. I broke away and set out to look for Pansy.

Malfoy and Ginny were dancing all into each other and hadn't seen her. Ron and Hermione were too busy sucking each other's faces off to even notice I was asking them anything, so I just decided to look around the flat.

I opened the door to one of the twins rooms and there she was, sitting on the edge of the bed. She had her hands over her face and her head down.

I walked into the room and closed the door. She instantly looked up with a gasp when she heard the door close. She wiped her face quickly and stood up.

I could look at her face and tell that she had been crying. But for what?

"I was looking for you." I told her. "Why did you leave the party?"

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