Chapter 7: Other Fish In The Sea

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This is me praying that

This was the very first page

Not where the story line ends

My thoughts will echo your name

Until I see you again

These are the words I held back

As I was leaving too soon

I was enchanted to meet you

I kissed him. I couldn't believe that I had done, it but I did. Too late to take it back. I didn't even know why I did it. Maybe it was adrenaline from dancing so much.

Then again it could have been because Harry was absolutely lovely and made me feel like a princess and he was gorgeous in the moonlight that shown in the window against him.

Yeah that was it.

It had been weeks since I made the foolish move of kissing Harry on the cheek after Angelina's birthday party. Nothing else remotely close to that had happened again, which is what I figured would be the case. I was way too nervous to try something like that again, and he probably didn't want to discuss it.

Even though we hadn't discussed things, Harry and I seemed to be getting a bit closer. He did seem a bit flirty sometimes. Or maybe it was just wishful thinking on my part.

Whatever it was, I was thoroughly enjoying it.

The Yule Ball was less than a month away and it seemed as if everybody was going crazy asking people. Ginny had told me that Draco had asked her again the night we came back from the party and she had said yes. So those two were off limits. Of course since Ron and Granger got together they would be going. I had to help an extremely nervous Milicent to ask Gregory Goyle, which he didn't turn her down.

A couple of girls had even asked Harry, but he had turned them all down. Including that annoying Romilda Vane that tried to trap him sixth year with a love potion in his Valentine from her.

Any girl that has to resort to putting a bloke under a love potion had to be completely desperate. No matter how deep I had it for him, that was one thing I would never do.

Ron and Granger would use our common room to snog sometimes so I decided to do some studying in the library. That's when I was approached by Dean. I really liked Dean. He was an okay bloke for a muggle. Unfortunately, he had his obnoxious best mate Seamus with him. Cheeky asshole.

" ‘Cuse me, but may I sit here?" Dean had asked me.

There were plenty of other seats in the library available and while the old fake me would have told him that outright, I decided to be nice, despite his repulsive friend.

"Hi Dean. Of course you can sit here." I said nodding to the seat beside me.

He smiled and sat down with Seamus sitting across from him looking as if he really didn't want to be there.

"What are you working on?" asked Dean.

"Just some Charms homework. Trying to perfect this paradise charm that I made up."

"Paradise charm?" inquired Dean.

"Yes. It's a mix of a cheering charm and an illusion spell. Hopefully when I get it right, it will create an interactive world for the user for an hour. They would be able to escape to any world they want."

"Like Fred and George's Daydream Charms?" asked Dean.

"Similar, but with these, you can actually do more that just envision yourself there or whatever it is going on. It will be as if you were actually there, or actually doing the thing you wanted to do." I explained.

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