Chapter 16: The Ugly Truth

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I can pretend that I'm not lonely

But I'll be constantly fooling myself

I can pretend that it don't matter

But I'll be sitting here lying to myself

Some say love ain't worth the buck

But I'll give every dime I have left

To have what I've only been dreaming about

-Rihanna We All Want Love

The days turned into weeks and soon we it was Ron's birthday, one of the most celebrated birthdays in Gryffindor.

Ever since first year, Fred and George had always thrown Ron these huge birthday parties. And even though they had dropped out our 5th year, they still came back our 6th and threw a party for him. I don't remember much, just me waking up in one of Parvati's thongs with glitter in my hair. Apparently I lost my virginity that night.

This party was going to be the party to end all parties. Mainly because this was the last birthday he would have at Hogwarts. The twins wanted Ron to turn 18 with a bang and they begged Dumbledore to allow them to use the Room Of Requirement.

Dumbledore obliged, but only on the conditions that only 6th and 7th years over the age of 16 could attend, that members all houses would be allowed to attend if they so chose, and nothing stronger than butterbeers could be served.

So of course the only Slytherins allowed to attend were the girls, Malfoy, Zabini, and Nott, and plans to smuggle in firewhiskey were made by Seamus and muggle beer by Justin Finch-Fletchley and Dean.

The day of the party had arrived and Ron felt like the Weasley King he was. He was positively spoiled that day, even by people he didn't associate with. Mainly girls as he was indeed a great Gryffindor keeper, much to Hermione’s disdain.

Hermione gave him a deluxe broom servicing kit for the Firebolt 2.0 that I had gotten him, Ginny had gotten him these muggle trainers that he had admired, Pansy had gotten him a chess set that talked strategy to him (not that he needed to be told that, but it also spewed out insults, which was wicked), some Ravenclaw had gotten him a box of fanged frisbees( that Hermione confiscated and told the girl off for giving Ron something illegal) and two Hufflepuffs got him a case each of chocolate frogs. Though Ron accepted them, he quickly let them know that it wouldn't change a thing between him and his girlfriend, whom he would be sharing the frogs with. Needless to say, they were very disappointed.

That following night Pansy and I had gotten ready for the party. The theme was clubbing so we were required to dress up in muggle club clothes. Best idea the twins could have ever came up with because there was an abundance of what muggles called booty shorts. Pansy had on this short tube top/booty shorts combo outfit that literally made me whimper when she asked me to zip up the back ("Oh Harry stop it, you're acting like you've never seen a lady's backside before." "Not quite like yours, woman!") for her. Her clothes weren't that snug and most of the time I would see her in either her uniform or PJ's, so this outfit made her breasts and the ass that I was not aware she had pop out in the sexiest way.

Apparently this was a planned idea amongst my witch friends because Hermione and Ginny had on the same thing in different colors, Hermione in red and Ginny in green with drooling Malfoy and Ron behind them.

The girls shrieked and admired each other's outfits while Ron, Malfoy, and I admired them. And for the first time ever, us three blokes were actually 100% getting along.

"You know, muggles aren't that bad." said Malfoy. "Especially the ones that make clothes like that."

"Are you checking out my sister Malfoy?" said Ron in a voice of warning.

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