Chapter 3: An Awkward Situation

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This night is sparkling, don't you let it go

I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home

I'll spend forever wondering if you knew

I was enchanted to meet you

I found myself feeling as if I was floating on air. I was conversing with Harry Potter. Actually having a good conversation with Harry Potter. I even flirted a bit!

After Ginny came back, the conversation shifted from us to just me and her, but I didn't care. We had actually talked. And he had actually seemed interested in what I had to say.

It was weird having him be totally silent while me and Ginny talked. I could feel his beautiful gems on me, and it made me somewhat nervous. I felt my heart wanting to jump out of my chest.

How could Draco and Harry not get along? They were both quite similar. They were funny, down to earth, and sweet, though Draco would never admit to being a sweetheart. Sure, Draco was an arrogant prat and he was self absorbed sometimes, but deep down, Draco wasn't the tyrant he made himself out to be. He, like me, was made to wear a mask as well.

I stopped dwelling on a Draco/Harry brotherhood. It would never happen anyways so there was no reason to plot it.

We arrived at school and I couldn't help but gaze at it in awe as if I was a bloody first year. Hogwarts never ceased to amaze me, and I truly missed it when I was away from it. It was indeed my true home. If I could tolerate teaching, I would have gladly stayed there forever.

But even if I could, I wouldn't be able to. I. kept forgetting my life wasn't mine.

As we approached the carriages, I watched as Harry caught up with Ron and Granger. There was also another girl who seemed eager to ride with them. So eager in fact, that she grabbed on Harry's arm like that muggle device called a vice grip.

Who the hell was that bitch?!

"Ginny who is that?" I attempted to say calmly as I pointed out the hideous creature that was latched onto my boyfriend in my head.

Ginny looked in the direction I was pointing in and then scowled. "You should know her. She's in your year isn't she? That's Susan Bones. Hufflepuff."

"Are they..." I couldn't even finish the question.

"Are they what? Oh! Oh no, they aren't together or anything. Harry is nice to her, but he doesn't like her like that. And she doesn't seem to get the hint." said Ginny with disdain in her voice.

"Oh okay. Not that I cared or anything. I was just wondering." I said, more than likely showing my actual care and jealousy of the situation.

"Pans, I wouldn't worry about a thing."said Ginny as we walked towards a carriage. "You have the ultimate in with Harry. You're his only roommate. You'll be sharing a common room as well as a loo with him. Imagine a late night trip and he is in the bath without you knowing it and-"

"Are you talking about me Red? Having fantasies about us now are you?" said Draco popping out of nowhere beside Ginny.

"Oh yes Draco. I was just getting to the part where I hex off your privates. Doesn't that sound exciting?" said Ginny, sarcastically.

Draco laughed as we climbed into a carriage. We sat and waited to pull off when suddenly, Ron's head popped into the carriage asking Ginny if there was room here because all the others were full.

As much as Draco disliked both Harry and Ron, he saw this as an opportunity. And Slytherins never wasted an opportunity.. "Fine Weasley, fine. You can join us." he said. "We would probably have to lap up though."

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