Chapter 5: The Birthday Party Part 1

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This night is sparkling, don't you let it go

I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home

I'll spend forever wondering if you knew

September had passed and Harry and I had gotten into a routine, unbeknownst to the both of us, until Ginny so helpfully pointed it out to me.

After a couple of days I took Harry up on his offer to join Ron and him on their morning runs. At first Ron didn't particularly like it. I think he felt it cut into he and Harry’s guy time. This was more than likely the only time Granger wasn't with them. But after the third time, he seemed to come around and accepted my company.

After the run we would come back and fight over who would shower first (I would usually win) and then we would get dressed and go eat. where we ate with our houses. Occasionally Ginny would eat with Draco, Blaise, and I (much to Draco's enjoyment the most), and then we would all go to our classes.

Our head dorm would become rather full sometimes, as Ron and Granger would study with Harry, and Blaise, Draco, and sometimes Millicent and Daphne would study with me. Thankfully there wasn't too much animosity amongst the group, as both Harry and myself had told our respectable friends not to cause trouble in our home.

Our home. Harry had actually said that. It made me feel all tingly inside when he came up with it.

Ginny would hang in there a lot with Draco when Harry wasn't around. He was also good at the piano, so he would sometimes play songs for her. It was nauseatingly cute to watch sometimes. Other times, I couldn't help but feel kind of down about it.

I hadn't openly played for Harry yet. As much as I really wanted to, I felt like maybe he wouldn't appreciate it. Sure he would like it, but I would want for him to look at me the way Ginny would look at Draco when he played. She would stare at him and get this look on her face as if she were in a delightful daydream. She would sometimes play with the hair on the back of his head as he played or lay her head on his shoulder.

She still hadn't given him an answer about the Yule Ball, which had been announced after a couple of weeks.

Once the dance was announced, I saw more of that stupid Hufflepuff man stealing whore (he wasn't my man, but still) Susan Bones around Harry. There were times that I saw myself ripping every brown strand of hair out of her pathetic little head. There were times where I wanted to hex her breasts off her body. I just wanted her to go away. She was really cutting into the time that I was too much of a coward to spend with Harry.

Thankfully she hadn't invaded the area that was ours. I swore if I ever saw her in my common room, I would feed her to a dragon.

I had learned a lot about Harry. For one, thing he was very open. He did have a couple of things that he seemed closed off about like his parents (naturally) and the treatment he endured before Hogwarts (I only knew that he was raised by horrible muggles, he never went into detail). But other than that, he was pretty much an open book. My favorite book to read actually.

Harry loved anything and everything Quidditch. I had secretly cheered for him over the years, even during Slytherin games. He flew as if he himself had wings. It was breathtaking watching him zoom around the pitch and in the sky trying to catch the snitch. He rarely missed.

I found out one morning that he was actually a great singer. I overheard him singing Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirit loudly while he was in the shower. He blushed when I complimented him.

I was starting to surprise people with my behavior as well. I had stopped teasing people for no reason (although, I did talk about that banshee Susan to Ginny), I participated in class more, I had ceased my hanging on Draco routine that I was forced to do year after year, and I even spoke to a couple people from different houses. Mainly Ginny's friend Luna Lovegood, Romilda Vane, Lavender Brown, and Dean Thomas, whom I suspected had taken a fancy to me however, even though on paper I belonged to Draco, my heart was already claimed by Harry, unbeknownst to him.

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