Chapter 4: The Head Dorm

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The lingering question kept me up

2 AM, who do you love?

I wonder 'till I'm wide awake

And now I'm pacing back and forth

Wishing you were at my door

I'd open up and you would say, "Hey,

It was enchanting to meet you,

All I know is I was enchanted to meet you."

That was an interesting carriage ride.

It was weird having a girl that in reality I just met sitting on me as if she was Hermione.

Wait, not Hermione. She was like my big sister. Plus Ron would've killed me.

Anyways, as I was saying, it felt weird, but also surprisingly comfortable. I had to hold her however. She was small so I was afraid with all the bumping she would slide right off of me. When she leaned back to listen to Ginny and Malfoy's conversation, she smelled good. Really good. Like cherry blossoms.

Susan wasn't happy about the seating arrangements at all. I guess she didn't like sitting on Zabini. Then again it was probably the fact that she couldn't sit on me. I had known since sixth year that Sue had a crush on me. And while she was an alright girl, I just didn't feel that spark you feel when you truly fancy someone, you know?

After we ate, Pansy and I had to stay behind and be shown by Dumbledore where our dorms would be. We walked the corridors in silence as we followed him. Pansy really wasn't looking where she was going. She kept looking at the ground as if she had something on her mind.

Our dorm happened to be near Ravenclaw tower, which was great because there was a great view of the lake there and it was near DADA class as well as Charms so I wouldn't have to run out of breath trying to get to classes from Gryffindor tower anymore.

Our dorm was behind a portrait of a lion killing a snake. Both Pansy and I smirked at that. Even the portraits had animosity.

Dumbledore gave the lion the password (royals) and the portrait swung open.

The inside reminded me of a bigger Gryffindor common room, only the walls looked Christmas colored with the Gryffindor and Slytherin colors combined. There was a huge sofa along with a loveseat and a lounge chair in front of the fireplace, two desks , a chessboard, a bulletin board that was connected to the other bulletin boards on the other houses, a grand piano, a door that led to a downstairs bathroom, and a perch for Hedwig.

Pansy ran over to the grand piano and seemed entranced by it. She rubbed it as if it was as fragile and precious as a newborn baby.

There was a giant staircase that split off in two directions. One leading to a red door, and the other to a green door. Our respectable rooms.

Pansy went and looked in hers as I explored mine.

It was as big as my dorm in Gryffindor tower. My bed had gone from a twin four poster to a king. It was like the room had read my mind because my sheets were a sky blue, my favorite color. My walls were the same shade and striped. There was a huge wardrobe, a broom holder, a desk, a loveseat, fireplace, and a huge floor length mirror.

A door led to the biggest loo I had ever seen. The bath was massive. You could probably fit at least 10 people comfortably in it. And it had as many taps as the prefects bath. There was even a glass shower, huge his and hers sinks, and a long mirror.

Pansy had opened up her door and blushed as she seen that our rooms were connected by the bathroom.

We left our rooms and got some last minute instructions from Dumbledore. He then bid us goodnight.

We stood in the middle of the room, neither one of us knowing what to say or do. Seemed weird that she was just on my lap laying against me an hour or so ago, and now she was completely shy. Time for me to break the ice again.

"This is a really wicked room." I said sounding once again like a git.

She nodded as she walked over to the sofa and lit a fire. I walked over and joined her on the couch. I didn't sit too close because she seemed a bit tense when I sat down.

"I noticed that you seemed to like the piano over there." I said.

She perked right up at my words and smiled. "Very much. I've been playing since I was five. It's one of the few things I love about being raised to be in pureblood society."

"Few things? What do you mean?"

Pansy seemed to realize she may have said the wrong thing. "Oh nothing. Just being raised in the world I'm in and all that. It can be overwhelming sometimes."

"And why’s that?" I asked genuinely curious.

"I don't know how to describe it. Just my life I guess." she said looking at the fire as if it was making her sad.

I felt as if I had touched on a subject she wasn't ready to speak on just yet so I changed it. "What songs can you play?"

"All the classics really. Wizard ones like Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms, Tchaïkovsky and others. And also some muggle ones."

"I had no idea the ones you named were wizards" I said, eager to learn something new. I doubt even Hermione knew that.

Pansy nodded and grinned. "Oh yes. You wouldn't believe who you would think are muggle artists, celebrities, and musicians are actually wizards. Take Jimi Hendrix for example. How do you figure a man who couldn't read music knew how to play so well? And muggles think he died from an overdose when really he was cursed. And Marilyn Monroe? She was a veela. That's why she was so irresistible to the Kennedy men."

I listened to Pansy go on and on about who was actually a wizard and I was intrigued by the things she knew. It was good to see her open up a bit more to me.

"Could you play something for me?" I asked.

Pansy blushed and looked down at her hands. "Maybe one day I will."

"I'll hold you to that." I said, smiling at her. She smiled back. She had a very inviting smile. I never noticed it before.

"Well I better turn in." I said yawning. "Ron and I run in the morning during the weekdays and we like to get that in early."

"Really? So do I."said Pansy giggling.

"How come we have never seen you then?"

"Where do you run?"

"Around the Quidditch pitch." I said.

"That's why. I usually run two laps around the castle. It's big enough." she said chuckling.

"Well, maybe you could run with Ron and I one morning." I suggested.

Pansy smiled, her cheeks once again turning red with blush. "Thanks, maybe I will take you up on that."

I nodded and made my way to the stairs. "Night Pansy." I said as I went up the stairs.

"G'night Harry." said Pansy giving a small wave.

I changed into my PJ's and climbed into my extremely soft bed. As I laid there, I could hear the faint sound of piano music. Pansy was playing something that sounded like a beautiful lullaby.

The girl was starting to intrigue me. I didn't know why. It was just something about the way she looked and the way she spoke that made me want to know more and more about her. I was starting to think that maybe she wasn't as bad as people said she was.

I soon found myself drifting off to sleep, listening to Pansy's soothing music. I would have to thank her in the morning for that.

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