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The bell rang for the break in between second and third period which made Yehana put away her binders and zip up her backpack. She wasn't feeling very good, her head was hurting terribly but her cramps were even worse. She walked to her small group of friends as they waited for her outside her literature class. Yehana ran her hands through her hair and sighed.

Her best friend, Minkyeon, looked at her and realized she wasn't doing so well and suggested she go to the infirmary.

Yehana nodded her head and adjusted the straps to her backpack, "That's a good idea."

The girls gave her a thumbs up and told her they'd see her later. She turned and began walking to the infirmary, each step she took feeling as if her ovaries would just completely fall out of her. The pain in her stomach felt terrible and sitting in your own blood for several hours doesn't make the situation any better.

Yehana opened the doors to the main office and made her way to the infirmary where she signed in and then waited for one of the nurses to speak to her.

Sooner or later, the nurse came and gave her the option to drink some hot water and lay in the back room for sick students with a hot pack. Yehana agreed gratefully and followed her. She closed her eyes as the hot pack did it's magic and began slowly drifting into a comfortable nap.

It had only been a few minutes but her peaceful daze was abruptly interrupted by the sound of crutches and a chuckle. She opened one of her eyes to see a boy with blonde hair that fitted his head like a bowl.

"Can I help you?" She asked smartly, a little more forceful than usual.

"No, I'm just amazed." The boy said as he sat on the bed to her left and stared at her.

He had cuts on his eyebrow and cheeks, and blood stained the cupid's bow on his lip. He had gotten into a fight, and Yehana's guess was that he didn't win.

"Amazed how..." Yehana questioned already not very fond of the boy from the infirmary.

"I'm just amazed how girls always get to use their periods as an excuse." He explained as Yehana scoffed.

The nurse came in and told her to call her mom, she agreed and told her mother her situation. Yehana's mother agreed to pick her up in a few minutes.

"Do you know what it's like bleeding out of your vagina?- Oh wait, you don't have one." Yehana snapped as she laid back down on the small bed.

"Do period cramps really hurt that bad, or are you trying to get out of class?" He asked as she shook her head.

"What's your name?" Yehana asked as he extended his hand.

"How rude, I didn't introduce myself. I'm Park Jisung." He smiled as he waited for her to shake it.

Once she bitterly denied the handshake he chuckled, "And what's your name?"

Now Yehana chuckled, "You don't need to know."

"I guess you're right, but I will find out." Jisung shrugged.

"Yehana! Your mother is here!" The nurse called from the main nurse's office.

"That wasn't that hard... Yehana." He smirked as she picked up her backpack and shook her head, "Feel better, Yehana!" He teased once again as she walked out of the small room in the back.



7 Degrees Collection!

I got such a positive response for this book when I posted about it on my donghyuck fanfic. So hopefully it's also successful!! If you know any Jisung stans looking for a very comedic and childish love story, please tag them!!


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