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Yehana stood backstage, anxious for her performance. She was next to go up and she was freaking out. Although the recital might be seen as a small thing, her whole future relies on it. What if a famous music school heard her play and wants her to attend their school? What if she had the opportunity to go over seas? There were so many other questions roaming through her head, as well.

The curtains peeked open for a moment as the girl in front of her went up to play. In the fifth or so row, she saw her family and Jisung sitting right beside Yeseol. Her stomach fluttered even harder now, seeing him and his bright blue hair. She tried to steady her breathing and dry her hands on the beautiful outfit he had purchased her. The girl that was playing currently touched each key beautifully. Her song was beautiful and sounded brilliant. Although Yehana couldn't physically see the girl, she could tell she was playing the piece perfectly.

Sooner or later the piece ended and the pianist stepped of the stage and behind the bulky red curtains. They then announced her name and Yehana stepped forward. There was a subtle amount of applause, which was expected from a very formal event. Yehana folded out her skirt and sat on the piano stool. She then waited for the lights to slowly dim and then placed her fingers onto the keys.

Yehana huffed quietly and preceded to play the piece. Her fingers leaped and hopped onto each black or white strip that the keys offered. One might compare her movements to a ballerina: quiet yet powerful, subtle yet beautiful. Maybe those were also great words to describe Yehana.

She is a quiet girl with a powerful mind and an imagination that is a strong as the ocean's tides. Her simplicity makes her beautiful and is what attracted Jisung so strongly. Jisung is quite a lucky guy, to get someone as perfect as Yehana. With her eyes shut, Yehana completed the song perfectly. Everything about the piece was beautiful and broadcasted her overwhelming talent. She stood up from the seat, her legs shaking slightly. Yehana bowed and walked off the stage and was greeted by fellow pianists. They congratulated her as she had congratulated many others.

In the end, Yehana took home first place in the recital which was neither surprising or dismissed completely from her mind. As they walked out of the auditorium and into the parking lot. A skinny white man chased after them in a suite. She saw him in the auditorium, his bald head reminded Yehana of a pearl as he ran after them in the parking structure, while the lights bounced onto it.

"Yehana! Yehana Jung!" The man called as her and her family (and Jisung), stopped in their tracks and turned around.

Her eyes opened as the foreigner spoke to them in English, a language she was decent at but had a hard time verbalizing. She smiled as the man straightened his tie and repositioned his boxy glasses.

"Do you happen to speak English?" He asked as Yehana motioned with her right hand that she spoke very little English.

"A little."

"Good," The man smiled, "My name is Josef Klotz and I am a sponsor at the University of Performing Arts in Munich, Germany."

Yehana's father, who knows a bit more English than she did) explained what he had said. Yehana then stuck out her right hand and shook his, "I am Yehana. Nice to meet you."

Mr. Josef smiled and explained his proposal, "Munich is a very cozy but busy city, maybe you might consider spending a summer there or something of the sort."

Her dad replied for her, asking the man what he meant, "In two years when you graduate, we're offering you a full ride to our school. The only thing you'd pay for is your airplane ticket."

Yehana smiled gleefully and nodded her head. The man then explained that maybe the family should visit Germany and get a feel for the area, then maybe come to the school and check it out.

"We have a summer school at our school, sort of a way for future students to see the campus. If you're interested, we could exchange emails and I could have the school email you the information."

Yehana and her parents said 'thank you' as the man walked away, only leaving them a business card and a stack of brochures that broadcasted the ethics of the campus and staff. They resumed walking to the car and Yehana got squished in between Jisung on her right and Yeseol on her left. The car ride home was quiet, just the Christmas music playing on the radio and Yehana's parents speaking about some problems at work and such.

Jisung leaned his head toward Yehana's and whispered, "Germany... is far."

"It's a good opportunity." Yehana quaintly smiled.

Jisung nodded his head and went quiet, "Two years is far away, Jisung. The possibility of us even being together by then is very slim."

He quietly rolled his lips on top of one another, the 'pop' was a result of the action. He put his head back against the car seat and closed his eyes, "I didn't know you felt that way."

"I didn't mean it like that." Yehana whispered.

"I was hoping we'd still be together in two years, but obviously our desires are a bit different."


Long time no see!! Sorry about that... Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the update!

Thank you all so much for 1K+ followers, I feel very blessed.


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