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Yehana sat with her friends along the lockers by the entrance of the school. They sat and talked while listening to people's drama as they walked above them. Yehana's friends pointed to the main entrance and she face palmed herself as she saw Jisung walking into school. He was walking in with his friends but hadn't looked at her yet.

She grabbed her backpack and tried to hide behind the leather accessory as Jisung noticed her attempt. He began laughing and pointing at her just to try and embarrass her. His soccer ball was at his side, as per usual and he had a lollipop hugging his lips.

"Yehana Banana!" Jisung shouted as her friends looked at Yehana who was now filled with embarrassment, "Why are you hiding from me, Yehana Banana?"

Yehana waved sheepishly at him and hoped he'd go away, thankfully, he had other places to be. Jisung turned once more and waved at here, "See you at lunch, Yehana Banana!"

Yehana's cheeks burned as she put down her backpack. Her friends laughed at her as she flopped her head back in embarrassment. Minkyeon, her best friend, patted her shoulder as she continued laughing.

"He seems to like you." She smirked as Yehana shook her head.

"He likes any female that has boobs..." Yehana joked as one of her friends spoke up.

"So any girl?"

Minkyeon laughed as she titled her head, "Well, there is that one girl in chemistry that-"

"Minkyeon! Stop, that's mean!" Yehana laughed as the others laughed too.


"Is that who I think it is?" Jisung yelled as Yehana walked up the bleachers with her friends.

Yehana shook her head as her heels clanked on the bleachers. Yehana was never the type to ever undress, she knew that overdressing was better than undressing. Today, she wore a white t-shirt that had black lines running across it, a pink overall skirt with white socks that had lace on the top and black open-toed heels. Yehana had her black leather backpack hanging off her right shoulder, and walked with her larger books in her left arm.

She sat next to her friends and began eating the few granola bars and fruit snacks she had. Her friends all slurped on their ramen as Jisung watched to her eat the small meal she had. He wrapped up his sandwich and walked over to her.

"Give me your fruit snacks." Jisung said with no emotion buzzing in his tone.

"What, why?" Yehana questioned as he took the fruit snacks and granola bars she was munching on.

"You have to eat a real meal..." Jisung explained as he handed her his sandwich and his bottle of cola.


Yehana walked to the bus and sat in her usual row. She brought out the notebook with the page that had piano keys etched on it in black sharpie. She slipped in her earphones and ran her fingers across the paper as she practiced the routine. In about a month, she'd be performing the biggest recital she had ever played at. In front of hundreds of people and major teachers that could make a commitment program between her and some pretty big music schools in not only South Korea but even America. It was her dream to wear sleek dresses and big earrings as her hair is tied up and out of her face. Yehana couldn't wait, she wanted to so badly go down in history for being one of the best pianists ever.

Jisung walked past her but quickly flashed a smile at her. She returned the gesture and then continued playing the song. Her fingers glided and slammed on the page as the notes and rhythm sung in her head. She looked up after playing the song several time. The bus was pulling up to her stop and she begun to pack away her paper piano. She stood up and walked off the bus after it stopped, then she made her way to her house.

35, 36, 37, 3-, "Yehana Banana, I told you to wait!"

Yehana turned around to see Jisung as he had a lollipop resting in his mouth and his soccer ball under his arm. He ran to her and then began kicking the soccer ball, too. Yehana and Jisung talked as they started walking to her house. There was a car pulled up in front of her place and an old lady was getting out.

"Who's that?" Jisung asked as he took out the lollipop from his mouth to speak.

"My piano teacher." Yehana responded as Jisung nodded his head.

"You play piano?" He pried as she nodded her head, "You're probably not very good."

Yehana turned to look at Jisung, "What do you like to do Jisung? What makes you so different from all the other fifteen year olds in South Korea?"

Jisung smirked, "I'm good looking?"

Yehana shook her head, "I've met my fair share of cute boys..."

Jisung remained quiet as Yehana continued, "Those eighty-eight keys on my piano, they're my best friends. Each one has a different noise and a different feeling on my finger tips. I love the feeling and sounds and everything about my piano."

Yehana greeted her piano teacher and unlocked the door for the both of them, "What's so special about you, Jisung?"


I didn't edit this at all so if there's typos, oh well. Anyways, I felt forced to write this but that just means you guys really enjoy the book. I published the sequel to my Donghyuck fanfic, "Fckboi". The sequel is called "Fckgurl". Go check them out!!


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