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It had officially been three weeks since Jisung had been scouted to become an idol and he still hadn't told Yehana anything about it. He decided that he wanted her last couple weeks away to be the best and for her to enjoy them. Not for her to feel worried or rushed to come home due to him.

Jisung felt a surge of emotions flow through his body as he thought about what he'd do about Yehana and how'd he go about it. In the three-ish months they had been without each other, he learned to love and to have patience. But, these emotions changed. Jisung was devoted to becoming an idol. He wanted to dance and rap and make a name for himself. And unfortunately, he didn't believe he could do that in a relationship. Jisung dreaded the day Yehana would come home, the day he would probably have to break up with her. It hurt his heart a bit but he shook it off. His eyes closed and he slowly drifted off to sleep, that being short lived. He woke up ten minutes later to a text message from Yehana.

YehanaBanana: Camp ended
early. And I heard you got your
license, can you pick me up?

Jisityourassdown: When?

YehanaBanana: Tomorrow!

Jisityourassdown: Okay

Jisung put his phone back on his desk, now on silent. He hoped that she would understand his situation.


Jisung hadn't fallen out of love with Yehana. And his decision wasn't spur of the moment. He had thought it out and imagined their futures apart. He wanted nothing more than to dance and sing on stage. And Jisung knew she had similar wants and dreams, too.

Jisung, with his newly announced license, pulled up to the airport and waited for Yehana to text him saying she was waiting for him. He then got a notification that she was standing at the curb a few cars away. He got out and saw her, it was like the wind got knocked out of him.

How was he going to break up with her? When they were apart it was so easy to break up with her, but now seeing her here, he couldn't even speak. Her face seemed to mature in the last three weeks of complete silence between them. His heart started to race again, which on his part was very unexpected.

They hugged. It was obviously half-assed.

"Jisung, there's a reason I asked you to pick me up." Yehana was already standing across from him, now he could see every little detail on her face. He noticed how much tanner she had gotten and how the area below her eyes was now bearing large bags that were never there before.

"And there's a reason I came to pick you up..." Jisung's body shook at the thought of the conversation. He knew how important music was to her and that she was going to move back and continue her schooling in Germany. Plus, he knew he'd be an idol one day and have a 'no dating' policy. They weren't made for each other. At least not right now.

"What do you want to talk about?" Yehana asked as she could see that Jisung needed to say something.

"It's about us. Me being your boyfriend and all..."

"Ex, you mean, ex boyfriend." Yehana said in a weird quiet tone that Jisung hadn't ever heard.

It felt like his heart stopped when she said the words he had been trying to say since he had seen her, "Hm?"

Jisung questioned what she had said and began to laugh. Only they would breakup with each other. Only them.

Yehana was confused as to why he was laughing. Was this funny to him? Was their relationship that unimportant to him? Was this all for nothing?


Jisung stopped laughing as he saw how hurt she looked, "No, it's just, I was gonna break up with you, too."

"What? Why?" Yehana asked.

"Why don't we get in the car first?" Jisung insisted as he took some of her suitcases and put them in the backseat of his car. They then sat down and Jisung turned down the volume on the radio.

"It not because of you, Yehana. It'd never be because of you. I knew that you wanted to be a pianist and that you'd be best doing it in Europe. Korea isn't a place for that type of music. We only focus on the idol music. And that's where we differ." Jisung explained as he pulled onto the freeway.

Yehana was obviously confused. She didn't know about the scouting or his dreams and aspirations. Yehana looked down to her sparkly shoes, she never dressed down, even if it was a plane ride to another country.

"Yehana, I got scouted for an idol agency."

Her eyes lit up, "Jisung, that's wonderful!"

"I know! And I want to go. I want to work hard and make my family proud. I want to be more than a pretty face, Yehana. I want to be like you, talented and acknowledged." Jisung explained.

Yehana smiled, "Well, then friends?"

"Friends, Yehana." Jisung smiled as he looked down at her.

It got silent and it was suddenly difficult to start a conversation. He had imagined it would be this way. But he also imagined Yehana would be more heartbroken. Jisung broke the silence once again, "Well, if we decided we wanted to get back together, would we?"

Yehana loved Jisung's optimism. He was always like that. His head in the clouds, bobbing by with only specs of sunshine in his eyes.

"I'll be waiting, Jisung. Only for you, my first love." Yehana smiled.

He smiled, genuinely, "Let's go home, Yehana Banana."


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Also! Please go follow -WINWINOLOGY ! She is one of my dearest friends and actually wrote this chapter for me because I couldn't think of anything!! Thank you Rosie!! Much love❣️


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