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Yehana and her three friends walked towards their usual place for lunch and sat down to eat their meal. They sit on the bleachers and watch the boys kick around soccer balls or tackle each other onto the turf. Yehana and the girls were talking about all the drama they had heard. Something about a new couple and such.

"Yehana!" A boy screamed as she turned her head in the direction, "Think fast!"

She saw him, unfortunately. Jisung threw a soccer ball at her and she quickly caught it before it smashed into her face. Yehana stood up and chucked the ball at Jisung, who dramatically fell onto the metal bleachers. Although Yehana wasn't innocent, she was certainly sweet like candy. She didn't like hurting people, so Jisung falling down startled her.

Yehana ran over to him and sat down by his head. He was coughing and breathed very heavily. She shook Jisung's body lightly, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

Jisung titled his head up and looked at her, "K-kiss me."

"Ugh! I really thought I hurt you." Yehana screamed as she slapped Jisung on his chest.

"No offense, Yehana Banana, but you throw like a girl. You couldn't harm a fly with that type of throw." Jisung joked as he sat up.

"Yehana Banana?" She questioned as he walked towards his friends.

"It suits you well, doesn't it?" He smirked as he picked up his backpack, "I'll see you later Yehana Banana."

Jisung walked away with his six other friends. Yehana's friends giggled at the boy and his remarks.

Yehana's best friend giggled, "Yehana Banana... It does fit you nicely."


As the last bell of the day rang, Yehana quickly said 'goodbye' to her friends and made her way to the bus stop. She stood with a couple of people that were also waiting for the bus to pull up. She gripped her books against her chest tightly as she waited patiently. She saw the bus slowly making it's way in the after-school traffic. She was so excited to go home and eat all the food she could possibly stuff in her mouth at once. As the bus' doors opened, she was the first one to get on and made her way to the middle of the bus.

Her stop was in the middle of the drop off schedule, so sitting in the middle made it easier to get off. Yehana plugged in her earbuds and played the song she would be performing at her music concert. She pulled out a notebook that had a keyboard drawn in Sharpie. Yehana slid her fingers on the paper as she pretended to play the instrument along to the song. She spent every minute she could, practicing her recital songs.

Yehana looked up as she felt the bus begin to move. She saw the last students make their way down the aisle. Yehana's eye went wide when she saw Jisung and all his friends. He opened his mouth and made a surprised face. She rolled her eyes and quickly picked up her backpack and rested it on the empty bus seat next to her.

"Stalking me, I see." Jisung smirked as he was a few seats in front of her.

He continued walking and saw the backpack on the seat, "I could just move it?"

"Well don't." Yehana mumbled.

Jisung chuckled and walked to the back of the bus with his friends. Yehana continued practicing her music and looked out her window ever-so-often to make sure she didn't miss her stop. Just as she looked, the bus pulled up to her desired stop. She packed up her stuff and walked off the bus, saying 'goodbye' to the bus driver on the way out. Yehana paid attention to the way her shoes clanked on the floor and counted her steps. Her house was six to the right, from the bus stop. It usually took 124 steps to get to her house.

"Yehana Banana!" Jisung screamed as she turned around.

Jisung ran to her as he dribbled his soccer ball. Yehana sighed as he caught up to her and messed up her counting, "Yes?"

"I've never noticed how often our lives cross on a daily basis." Jisung explained as they walked.

"I see you when I walk into school, at lunch and on the bus; and now our houses are on the same street." Jisung smirked.

Yehana stopped in front of her house, "I guess, Jisung"

"Wait for me to get off the bus tomorrow, okay?" He asked as she nodded her head.

"Whatever you say." She mumbled as he watched her safely make it inside the house and then continued onto his.


Just so everyone knows, I'm totally picturing Yeojin from LOONA playing Jang Yehana.

Do you guys like her nickname, Yehana Banana? I think it's cute!

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Do you guys like her nickname, Yehana Banana? I think it's cute!


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