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Jisung listened to Yehana play the piano piece. Her hands glided along the eighty-eight piano keys as if she was born to spend her entire life playing the one instrument. Jisung watched as she closed her eyes and listened to the wonderful melody that flowed from every tap of the piano keys. She plays the piano as if she had created the instrument: perfectly. The way she played was the way everyone strived to.

As she touched the last key and the note drifted and lingered, Jisung clapped his hands as he rested against the side of the piano. Yehana opened her eyes to see him smiling. She blushed and then slightly bowed her head.

"Let's go somewhere." Jisung suggested as Yehana nodded her head.

"Where?" She asked.

"The fair? The one at the park?"

Yehana nodded her head as she liked the idea of the date. Jisung walked over to her and helped her put on her jacket. She smiled thankfully as they walked out of her house. Her parents usually worked a bit late and would be home in an hour or so. He grabbed her hand as they began to walk down the streets to the park. It was only three or four blocks away. Not too far.

"Have you talked to Minkyeon?" Jisung asked Yehana as she shook her head.

They got to a stop light and waited for the light to change so they could walk, "No. I haven't."

Jisung sent her a look that asked 'why', "We didn't do anything wrong, right? I don't think I have to apologize, right? Right?" Yehana has a tendency to repeat words when she's anxious or stressed.

"No." Jisung responded, "We did nothing wrong."

Yehana nodded her head as if she was trying to convince herself. She rubbed her hands together and tried to stay warm. It was cold due to the refreshing autumn weather. Jisung noticed she was becoming cold so he wrapped his arms around her as they walked.

"I'll buy you hot chocolate when we get there." He told Yehana as she smiled widely.

They only had a block left to go, the lights from the rides flashed on their faces. Yehana got giddy as she was reminded of her happy childhood, "Can we go on the ferris wheel?"

Jisung nodded his head at her request and she clapped cutely at her small victory. They got closer to the entrance, Yehana grabbed his hand and pulled him to the entrance. Jisung walked briskly behind her as she ran. She stood at the entrance and the man gave them twenty ride tickets and ten game tickets. In the end, Jisung payed twenty-five dollars for them.

"Where first?" Jisung asked her as she stared at all the rides.

"The fun slide!" She beamed as she dragged him towards the tall slide.

They received the burlap sacks that they would ride down with. The couple walked up the lengthy stairs and when they made it to the top, they took a couple of selfies. One of them kissing, another of Jisung kissing her cheek. They got on the slide and held hands as they went down.

"Are you ready to go down, Yehana Banana?" Jisung asked as she nodded her head rapidly.

"Let's go!" She screamed as she pushed off and they slid down quickly.

Once they got to the bottom, they walked off to go play a game. Yehana begged for Jisung to play a water shooting game and win her a teddy bear.

"Please, Jisung!" She begged as he watched her pout.

"We'll only have six game tickets left, Yehana Banana." Jisung reminded her as she shrugged her shoulders.


He laughed at her undying optimism for him to play the game, and handed the man the four tickets necessary to play. The buzzer sounded and Jisung kept the water gun right on the target. Eventually the balloon filled with water and popped. Yehana clapped her hands as she was handed a medium sized teddy bear from the man.

"Thank you!" She smiled as they walked away from the game.

Jisung laughed as they got in line for hot chocolate, "Thank you, Jisung."

They waited in line and talked about the other rides they were planning on going on. Jisung mentioned the ferris wheel and Yehana had never looked so delighted. They paid for their hot chocolates and walked around a bit more. They then rode a few other rides like the mini roller coaster and the viking boat.

The couple stood at the gate for the ferris wheel, waiting for their turn. Jisung had his arm around Yehana as it was still very cold. The man opened the gate and took the last of their remaining tickets then ushered them onto the seats of the ferris wheel and buckled them in.

As the cart began to slowly move up, they looked out into the bustling city of Seoul. It was a colorful place that was lit by many lights and held many people. They could see all the lights of the city. It felt powerful in a way. They were all the way up there and everyone else was on the ground. It made them feel God-like, even though they were just two teens going through their awkward stages.

Jisung looked at Yehana as she admired the view. He smiled to himself, knowing he finally had the girl he had been wishing and praying for. After they had met in the infirmary, he knew that he had to get to know her. He is so thankful he did...

Jisung wrapped his arm around Yehana and rested the side of his head atop of hers, "It's beautiful up here."

Jisung nodded his head as he agreed with her statement, "I think there's only one thing more beautiful in this entire world."

Yehana's eyes went big as she wanted to know. She was obsessed with scenery things of that sort. Jisung opened his mouth to complete his thought.



I'm so sorry this took so long to update ): I have been lacking a lot of inspiration and motivation recently.

Hopefully all goes well! Thank you for getting this book to 4k. That means so much to me!


INFIRMARY BOY.JISUNGWhere stories live. Discover now