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Jisung walked to Yehana's house to help her pack. He came to understand that Yehana wasn't leaving, well she was, but not for the reason he thought. She'd only be going for the summer program. The program was four months long. Everyone kept telling him that four months wasn't a lot of time, but Jisung knew that the four months without her would feel like forever. Jisung walked passed the nine houses in between his house and her's. He knocked on Yehana's front door and was greeted by her.

Yehana smiled and hugged her boyfriend. She was extremely happy to see him, "Hi!"

"Hi, Yehana Banana." She grabbed his hand and led him to her room. Her luggages were placed on her bed and one was already filled.

Jisung sat down on her bed and was tossed things to stuff into her bag. It was stuff like her hair curler, makeup, jeans and skirts. Her shirts, shoes and other clothing items were in the other bag.

The summer program was four months long. It wasn't that bad but it would be hard for the young couple as they would try their hardest to make time to talk to one another. Jisung folded her jeans and stacked them in her luggage. Yehana then gave him her makeup bag which he rested next to her clothing. The packing went on for what seemed like hours, but it was comfortable. It consisted of the two teens being quiet as they kept their minds busy to distract themselves from the thought of her leaving.

Yehana decided to face the truth, "Jisung."

"Yeah, Yehana Banana?"

"Don't be sad when I leave." She reminded him as he slowly nodded.

A small smile appeared on his face as he thought about her concern for him, "I'll try, but I'm not sure I can keep that promise."

Yehana nodded and continued to keep her mind busy. Jisung grabbed her hand and pulled her into a hug which resulted in her sitting on his lap as he back hugged her. He was going to be broken while she was gone, and he knew it damn well. It was cliché. They were only teenagers who knew nothing of love and what it takes to be in love but Jisung came to realize that he wasn't sure how he had lived without her beforehand. Jisung knew that she'd leave tomorrow and that scared him but he also thought they'd be reunited in no time. He had patience and it would finally become useful.

Yehana stood up from his lap and laid down on the bed next to him. They both stared up at her white ceiling as their legs fell off from the side of her bed. As he was tall, his legs managed to reach the floor as Yehana's dangled off the side. Yehana wanted to lighten the mood so she decided to tell him about how excited she was for her different festivities at the summer school.

"It'll be good for me Jisung! I'll be with people that adore instruments as much as I do and I'll be able to play endlessly. I'm gonna have a good time there but I wish you could go, too." Yehana explained as Jisung nodded.

"I wish I could go, too." He sighed as she peered to her side to see his facial expressions.

He looked miserable and she felt to blame. Yehana sat up and looked down at him as he remained laying down. She smiled widely as he gave another weak smile. Yehana kissed his cheek and ruffled his hair, "We'll be fine."

Jisung nodded his head as he somewhat agreed. He knew that eventually he'd be fine, but he was more worried about her than anything. How was she going to fit in? The world over there was so different. The culture and traditions were nothing alike. She'd be okay, he thought, eventually. Jisung decided that he had one final thing to say to her and he wanted her to take it to heart. He readjusted his position slightly and looked at her. He was so infatuated with her, he felt somewhat disgusted by how easily she could manipulate him into doing anything.

Jisung cared for her, a lot. He only wanted to make her feel safe and happy because she deserved happiness and he liked it best when she was happy. So, he made sure she knew that.

"If by the end of your four months stay in Germany you happen to fall in love with the school, people, music and culture, then stay there and accept that that's what makes you happy. Do what makes you happy, Yehana Banana. I'd feel overly selfish if you came back just for me."

Yehana nodded her head as she listened to what Jisung said. He was right. If she loved the place as much as she said she did then she had to stay. She leaned forward and kissed his cheek. It was soft and heavenly.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

That would be the first and last time in a while they'd say that to each other.


Hey guys! Again, so sorry for the late update. High school has been wild lately. Not drama wise but grades and ya know... a certain someone. I'm not sure if it's gonna work out but we talk everyday and we're pretty close. I think that it might work. I don't know, we'll see.


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