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Yehana stared at her reflection in the mirror and gave a satisfied smile. She was wearing a yellow sweater and jean shorts. It was a more casual outfit from her preppy, everyday school attire. She grabbed her small purse and got her phone out from it and called Jisung.

"Jisung?" Yehana asked.

"Yehana? How'd you get my number?"

Yehana laughed as he hadn't given it to her, "I asked your friend."

"Oh, I'm not feeling good, Yehana. I don't think I can go..."

Yehana sighed as he sat that and he did sound very sick, "Okay, Jisung. Let me think of something."

Yehana hung up and ran downstairs and out through the door. She ran to the left and made sure she counted three houses. The fourth house from her's, the tenth one on the street, should be Jisung's. Yehana knocked on the door and greeted Mrs. Park, Jisung's mother. She explained the scenario and his mom pointed up the stairs and told her which room was his. Yehana bowed and walked up the stairs then knocked on Jisung's door before barging in.

"Okay, Jisung! I'll make you some tea and get you some medicine. Meanwhile, you get in the sho-"

Jisung sat up and revealed he didn't have a shirt on, "How the hell did you get in?"

Yehana sat on his bed and giggled, "Your mom let me in."

"Oh... your laugh is really cute." Jisung said as Yehana blushed.

"Go get in the shower, okay?"


Jisung sat on his bed and watched as Yehana rummaged through his closet. He was sitting in his jeans as she threw out shirts for him to try on. He sat on the bed and just watched her, he thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world. All the shirts she had thrown him were too hot for the end-of-summer heat. Jisung stood up and walked next to her. He leaned against the wall that was next to the closet.

"What if I dyed my hair blue..."

Yehana looked at Jisung and titled her head while trying hard to not look at his body, "I don't think it would look bad."

Jisung nodded his head as Yehana pushed a shirt into his hands, it was a black shirt which had pink and white stripes on it, "That'll look good."

Jisung put it on and looked in the mirror, it didn't look bad. He nodded his head as he reached for a white hat he could wear. He looked at himself in the mirror and nodded at his outfit. He then turned to Yehana who nodded her head with a smile.

"Yehana?" She looked at Jisung who was sitting on his bed again, "What if I don't like your friend? What if I like someone else?"

Yehana sat next to him and thought of a response, "If you really don't like her, you can pretend you got a call from your mom and leave."

Jisung nodded his head as Yehana suggested they leave. They walked downstairs and to the public bus station that was five blocks or so away. Yehana decided that mini golf might be fun for them, and Minkyeon agreed. They'd be meeting at the mini golf place and might get some food.


"I'm Minkyeon." She introduced herself as Jisung reluctantly shook her hand.

"I'm Jisung, It's nice to meet you."

Yehana's crush was a bit shorter than Jisung and looked... typical. There was nothing eye catching about him, but Jisung stuck to his manners, "Hey, I'm Jisung."

The boy shook his hand and greeted him. Yehana began walking towards the food court and they decided to get some food before playing golf. Jisung walked next to Minkyeon who was looking at him as they walked.

"What do you want to eat, Jisung?"

Jisung shrugged his shoulders and looked down at Minkyeon, "I'll eat whatever you eat."

Minkyeon smiled at his respond and rambled on about herself and what she liked. She explained the her and Yehana have been friends for a very long time and that she plays tennis. Jisung nodded his head and pretended he was listening but in all honesty, he was watching Yehana and her crush hit it off.

She was bumping into him and giggling at all the stupid things he was saying. He was egging it on and saying the stupidest stuff to make her smile. Jisung reached for the phone in his pocket and texted his friend. Minkyeon was so busy explaining everything about her that she did't even notice.

Jisityourassdown: Hyung, call me in a minute

Je-nomotherfucker: Okay

Jisung looked at Minkyeon and slipped his phone into his pocket, ready to act surprised by the call. He felt it vibrate against his leg and he had to apologize to Minkyeon for cutting her off.

"Mom?" Jisung asked, Jeno completely oblivious to the scenario.

"Huh?! Jisung I think you called the wrong person!"

Jisung tried to hold in his laugh and made up some bullshit story, "She broke his wrist?"

Jeno remained quiet over the phone and sighed, "Who the hell broke their wrist."

"Should I go home, mom?"


"Okay, I'll be home soon." Jisung replied, "Love you mom."

"Mom? OHHHHH okay love you, too Muah."

Jisung hung up the phone and looked at Minkyeon with pity, "I'm so sorry, my little sister broke her wrist at the playground."

Minkyeon nodded her head and told him he should see his family, "It was nice meeting you guys."

He began to walk away and turned around for one quick second. Yehana was shaking her head as she knew what he was doing, "Bye, Yehana Banana! I'll see you at school!"


Hey guys! I didn't edit this so sorry for any mistakes. I start my hiatus today and won't be back until next Sunday! There probably will be an update but that's only if I begin writing the next chapter. Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter!

What do you think Yehana's gonna do when she talks to Jisung at school? Will she be mad at him?

See ya guys next update!


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