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Yehana stopped at the coffee place on the corner of the block her school was on. She had stayed up all night, writing an essay that might make her eligible for Class President. Yehana was always very involved with the school, so applying for Class President was no surprise. Walking into the coffee place, she saw the lemon haired boy, sitting with his six friends as they were on their phones. She put her head down and prayed to whatever religious identity in the blue sky above, that he would not look at her.

She got in the small line and read the menu. Yehana wasn't a huge fan of coffee and preferred tea over it. She couldn't pick over a hot tea or cold tea but finally made her mind and went with an iced, fruity tea. Yehana was the next in line and made her way to the cashier counter where she ordered the beverage and took out her wallet to pay.

"How much is it?"

Yehana looked up and saw Jisung getting his money ready, "4.49."

"Here ya go." Jisung responded as he gave the man the money and he handed Yehana her drink

Yehana smiled at Jisung as he walked towards his friends, "Thanks, Jisung."

He put his hand up as if he responded and continued to sit with his friends. Yehana took the gesture and left the coffee place, pleased. She then walked to the school and found her friends, sitting in their usual spot, in front of the lockers by the main gate, on the floor. She walked to her friends and placed her backpack on the floor.

"You switched out your backpack?" Minkyeon asked as Yehana nodded.

"It goes better with my outfit." 

Her backpack was a small white purse, that could be worn as a backpack. Yehana dressed as her usual self, a blush pink pullover, a striped shirt and some white oxford heels. She sat on the floor with her friends and got out her essay.

"Can you read this?" She asked as she handed the papers to Minkyeon.

"What's this?"

"I'm running for Sophomore Class President." Yehana responded as Minkyeon looked over the essay and handed it back to her.

"It's good." Minkyeon explained as Yehana glared at her in a playful way.

"Just good?"

"It's perfect, Yehana!"


The girls walked to their usual lunch spot and once again Jisung waved to Yehana. She waved back and sat down with her friends as they began gossiping about the new drama. Minkyeon had been staring at Yehana the whole time she talked, not in an attentive way, in a creepy way. Minkyeon coughed before speaking to Yehana, "Are you into Jisung?"

Yehana stuffed her mouth with more food, "What do you mean?"

"Like, do you like him?" Minkyeon continued as Yehana nearly spit out all her food.

"No, noooo!" Yehana exaggerated as Minkyeon nodded her head.

"I think I might ask him to homecoming."

One of the other girls in their friend group responded, "Homecoming's really far away, like a month away..."

Minkyeon shrugged her shoulders, "It's just a month..."

Another one of the girls spoke up, "I wouldn't, honestly. He seems really into Yehana. So you might be hurt if he tells you that he likes your best friend more."

The girls agreed with the sensible one in the group, Ting Yan, she was an exchange student from Hong Kong. Yehana nodded her head, "Jisung's not worth it, anyway."

"You don't want me to date him, do you?" Minkyeon asked as Yehana furrowed her eyebrows.

"No, Minkyeon, I just don't want you to get hurt?"

Minkyeon stood up and walked down the bleachers, "I will date him, eventually."

The girls looked at Yehana as she stuffed her mouth again, "Let her do what she pleases, she'll understand what we were saying eventually."

The other three girls nodded their heads and resumed eating their lunches.


Yehana got off the bus and began walking to her house, she began counting her steps as Jisung called after her, "Yehana! Yehana Banana!"

She turned around and saw him with a lollipop in his mouth, once again, and his soccer ball resting underneath his arm. He began walking next to her as they made their way to their houses.

"What happened with your friend today at lunch, I saw her run off from you guys?" He asked as Yehana shrugged her shoulders.

"Are you single?" Yehana asked as Jisung's faced lit up like a Christmas tree.

Jisung nodded his head with his big brown eyes nearly falling out of his skull, "The most single!"

Yehana laughed as she put her hand on the waist height, iron gate that was in front of her house, "Would you like to go on a da-"

Jisung started jumping up and down, "Yes, Yehana! A thousand times yes!"

Yehana smiled, "Good, I'll tell Minkyeon and I'll see if I can get my crush to go."

"Min-who? Your crush?" Jisung asked confused as he took the lollipop out of his mouth.

"Yeah, we'll go on a double date. You and Minkyeon, my crush and I?" Yehana explained as Jisung face palmed himself.

"When?" Jisung asked annoyed.

Yehana couldn't understand why he was mad, "When, Yehana Banana, when?"

"This Saturday?" She asked as jisung nodded his head.

"What are we going to do?" He asked.

"Dinner and a movie? Maybe mini golf?" Yehana smiled as Jisung shook his head again.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

Jisung waved at her as he walked away, solemnly, "Bye, Yehana Banana."


Happy Jaemin Day! He updated guys, Oh my god! I'm so happy! I actually had theory that he had a herniated disc for the award shows and then he died on accident on the set of MFAL so he couldn't participate in the comeback. But ya know, ya girl was wrong. Anyway, I start school on Monday, August 14th, so I will be taking a hiatus from the 21st to the 28th so I can focus on school. I'll be doing that every month cause ya girl gotta pass this year (;


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