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Yehana and Jisung met at the cafe on Monday morning. Jisung was sitting at a table and had Yehana's order sitting on the opposite side of him. He waved at her as she walked in and hugged her once she was near him. Yehana sat down in front of him, a smile pressed onto her face.


Jisung smiled at her cuteness, "What did you do this weekend?"

Yehana explained that she practiced for her piano recital all weekend as the date was becoming closer and closer. Jisung nodded his head and they continued talking.

"You played really well at the soccer game." Yehana complimented as Jisung smiled widely.

"It's because you wore my jersey." Jisung flirted as Yehana put her head down while she blushed.

"So..." Jisung started, "About the whole kiss thing?"

Yehana blushed even more, remembering the kiss, "What about it?"

"Did you like it?" Jisung asked, confused on whether or not they were a thing or if they were still friends.

"Jisung..." Yehana started as he looked up, "Do you like me?"

Jisung chuckled, "I thought I made it pretty obvious..."

"But what about the other girl... the one you told me about?"

"Yehana banana..."


"You were the girl." Jisung smiled.

Yehana's cheeks became even redder and she giggled, "Really?"



Yehana saw her friends at their lockers, she was going to go and join them for lunch. Before she could go say hi, one of the girls grabbed her by the arm and whisked her way.

"What are you doing?" The friends asked as they hid in between some lockers.

"I was gonna go join the rest of the girls for lunch?" Yehana replied.

"None of them are talking to you, Yehana." The friend, the sensible one, notified her.

"Why? What did I do, Jungeun?"

Jungeun shrugged her shoulders and motioned Yehana to follow her, "Everyone saw you kiss him and their picking Minkyeon's side..."

Yehana sighed, "Of course they are..."

Jungeun nudged Yehana's shoulder as the two of them walked to the bleachers, "Don't worry, you did nothing wrong."

Yehana tried to convince herself that, but Minkyeon was still her best friend, "Do you really think that?"

Jungeun nodded her head, "Yeah."

"Okay," She sighed as they walked up the bleachers and Yehana's heels clanked on the metal, "Hi, Jisung."

Jisung smiled and got up to hug her. Yehana introduced Jungeun and then she was introduced to his five other friends. Jisung was the youngest amongst the boys. He was a sophomore while another was a junior and the four oldest were seniors.

"It's nice to meet you guys." Yehana smiled as she sat down next to Jisung and began to eat her lunch.

They talked and joked around and had a very good time. When the bell rang, Jungeun and Yehana split ways and Jisung walked her to her class.

"I think my friends like you." Jisung chuckled as they walked to her class.

"They're funny." She added once they reached the door.

"I have to go, Yehana Banana." Jisung smiled as he hugged her and she walked inside.

"Don't be late, Jisung!" Yehana screamed after him.


Yehana and Jisung got off the bus together and began to walk down the sidewalk. Jisung had a lollipop in his mouth and the soccer ball under his right arm. His left hand was holding Yehana's hand. They walked together, quietly.

"Your piano recital is soon." Jisung reminded Yehana as she nodded her head.

"I'm so nervous." She admitted.

"You need to practice more. I'll come over and listen to you practice." He suggested as Yehana smiled widely.

"Are you sure?" She questioned as he nodded his head, "It gets tiring to hear the same piece, over and over again."

He smiled again, "I don't think I'll ever get tired when I'm around you."

Yehana blushed and put her head down, "Come over tomorrow after school and I'll play the piece for you."

Jisung nodded his head as they stopped at the gate in front of her house, "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

Yehana nodded her head and began to swing open the fence, "Bye, Yehana Banana!"

Yehana turned around as she smiled at Jisung and then entered into the house. She ran to the kitchen and grabbed the bag of grapes from the refrigerator. She sat down and popped a few in her mouth and decided to wait three minutes.

Yehana decided that it had been roughly three minutes and she texted Jisung.

YehanaBanana: Did you
get home safely?

Jisityourassdown: Yup

YehanaBanana: Okay, good
YehanaBanana : I'm gonna do
homework now.

Jisityourassdown: Okie dokie Yehana Banana <3

Yehana's heart fluttered as her phone beeped. She was so happy he responded. She likes him... a lot.


I'm soooooo sorry you guys haven't had an update in soooo long!!! My book "FCKGURL; HAECHAN" got deleted so I was dealing with trying to get it back. I hope that if you read FCKGURL OR FCKBOI that you'll check out the new version of "FCKGURL ; HAECHAN" I have published. It's on my profile now.

Until next update!!!


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