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Yehana was in her room, listening to a piano playlist on her phone. Her piano recital was in to weeks and her nerves were starting to kick in. She was currently laying on her bed, flipping through magazines with a sheet mask on. Yehana was comfortably lounging around in a peach printed pajama set, with her hair tied back in a scrunchie. She flipped through the magazines and marked things, signifying that she thought they were cute. Yehana still had nothing to wear to her recital. That nerved her half to death.

She couldn't forget that beautiful green skirt with the matching blouse that she had seen with Jisung. It had mesmerized her and she was completely in love with it. There was a knock at her door, her little sister, Yeseol peaked her head in.

"Yehana, a delivery came for you." She squeaked as Yehana thanked her for notifying her.

Yehana walked downstairs as she trudged her slippers across the floor. On the kitchen table were two brown gift boxes. They were tied together with a piece of burlap string. There was a small gard that was tied onto the string that read 'Yehana Banana'. She smiled as she now knew who the presents were from.

She untied the string and opened the first bow. Wrapped in white tissue paper was the green skirt with the brown belt that she wanted so badly wanted. In the second box was the blouse with the beautiful pattern all over it. Underneath the shirt was a letter. It was in a tiny white envelope with her name printed on it and a heart to the right of it.

Yehana Banana,

I hope you like the surprise. The night we had gotten my hair done and you expressed to me how much you loved this outfit, I knew I was going to get it for you. You'l look stunning in it... I can't wait to see you play soon!!!


Yehana smiled as she put the letter down and walked towards her front door. Even with her pink unicorn slippers, peach printed pajamas on and her sheet mask, Yehana walked outside and counted three houses in between her's and his. His house was the tenth one on the block, the fourth away from her's. She knocked on the door and a little girl opened it. The little girl looked around her sister's age, maybe seven or eight year old.

"Who are you?" The little girl asked.

"I'm Yehana, what's your name?" Yehana introduced herself as she crouched down and met the little girl's eye level.

"I'm Jieun." The little girl smiled shyly.

"How old are you, Jieun?"


"Oh really, you're the same age as my sister." Yehana explained as she heard her boyfriend's voice from inside the house.

"Jieun! Who are you talking to? You know mom doesn't like when you answer the do- Yehana?" Jisung started laughing as he saw what his girlfriend was wearing, "Are you wearing unicorn slippers?"

Yehana looked down at her body as she forgot she was wearing her house attire for several minutes, "Yes. Yes, I am." She laughed embarrassedly.

"With a sheet mask and everything..." Jisung continued as he took out his phone and snapchatted a few pictures and video of her.

She peeled off the face mask and smiled at him, "Thank you for the outfit, Jisung."

He smiled as he knew she had received it, "You like it?"

She nodded her head.

"Just as much as the first time you saw it?"

"Yup!" She smiled as Jisung nodded his head.

"That's good... that makes me happy." He replied.

"I have to go now, okay?" Yehana sighed as Jisung made puppy eyes.

"I'll see you at school on Monday." He smiled.

"Okay. Bye Jieun, it was nice to meet you!" Yehana turned around as the siblings waved at her and then shut the door.

"Two weeks away, Yehana... Two weeks and your future depends on it." She thought to herself as she walked back to her place.


Hello! A new chapter from yours truly. I hope you all like it! Are you excited for the next update? You'll finally see the outfit and the song she performs... Yup! Next chapter is the recital! Anyways, give this chapter a vote if you liked it.

qotc (question of the chapter) How many languages do you know?

aotc (answer of the chapter) I know three languages. English is my primary language while I speak Spanish with my grandparents and my family members. I'm also learning American Sign Language at school. Yup, ya homegurl is a trilingual tornado.


INFIRMARY BOY.JISUNGWhere stories live. Discover now