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Yehana and Jisung FaceTimed everyday. There wasn't a giant time difference between Germany and South Korea, about seven hours only. They missed each other greatly but were lucky enough to contact each other daily. Sometimes, Jisung was busy with practice and Yehana had performances, therefore some days were strictly texting. Today however, the couple would be able to FaceTime each other. They were both excited and they made a plan of who was to call and at what times. It was Jisung's turn to call. He brushed his teeth as he had just woken up for school. It was nearly eleven at night in Germany while it was about to be six in the morning in South Korea. She's in yesterday while he's in tomorrow.

Jisung washed his face and set the phone up on the bathroom countertop as he scrubbed his face and the phone buzzed. It made a small noise as the call finally connected and Yehana's face appeared brightly on his screen. He smiled ear to ear as she laughed as he had soap bubbles all over his face.

"Good morning, baby." She whispered.

Jisung guessed that her room mate was asleep as he listened to the pitch of her voice, "Hey."

She smiled at the sight of his and adjusted her position so she was laying on her stomach. Yehana took a sip of some bottled juice she had and continued the conversation, "What's been happening at school?"

Jisung wiped his face off and walk out of the bathroom, "Nothing really. The boys are being ass hats and they're all starting to talk to girls. But nothing really."

Yehana nodded her head, "How are the boys?"

"Renjun's fine, he's been receiving scholarships for art schools. Donghyuck is talking to his ex again, but I hate her so I tend to stay away from that. Jeno isn't really doing anything right now, he's been studying hard for finals. Jaemin is talking to every single girl that breathes so, ya know. And Chenle is been attending some Open Mic Nights and he's been picking up girls with his singing. They're all doing fine."

Yehana smiled widely at the mention of the boys and their high school lives. She nodded her head as Jisung asked her how school's been. "It's fine. My room mate is Austrian so she's been teaching me German. It's been coming in very helpful. And in the process of learning German, I've been learning English because that's really the only language we can communicate through. I'm lucky she's my room mate. I believe most people would get frustrated having to teach people a language and using broken English to communicate. We just got done practicing some words and sentences in both languages. And while I've been learning, she's ben learning Hangul, too."

"That's very nice of her." Jisung agreed as Yehana nodded her head, "What's your room mate's name?"

"Klara, she plays the violin." Yehana explained.

Jisung put his phone on his bed, facing the ceiling as he walked to his closet to pick out clothes for school, "I have a geometry test today."

"You'll do fine." She reassured him.

"I have a 68% and I need a C- before school ends." He explained.

Yehana left with a month of school left and she'd be gone the first month of school as well. But all that aside, she was getting credits for continuing the classes in Germany. It was fine with the district as long as she finished the classes. Jisung grabbed his phone as placed it on his dresser as he was dressed now.

"I have my first musical evaluation tomorrow. Do you think I'll do good?" She asked him as he nodded his head while putting sunscreen on his face.

"I know you'll do good, Yehana. Why wouldn't you?" Jisung asked as she nodded her head.

Her eyes began to look droopy and she looked more and more tired, "You're probably right, I'll be fine."

"Of course you will."

Yehana chuckled lightly as Jisung ran some product through his hair. She uncapped her juice and took another sip of it. She then got underneath her covers and hid half of her face as she continued to talk to Jisung. She was getting increasingly more tired but didn't want to hang up at all. Jisung walked to his closet once again and grabbed a pair of shoes and slipped them off. He grabbed his book bag and placed all his materials inside it before he went to the kitchen and made him and his sister some breakfast. He left his phone on the kitchen table and Jieun, his little sister grabbed onto it and began talking to Yehana.

"Yehana!" Jieun smiled as Yehana grinned widely.

"Hi, Jieunie." Yehana whispered, happily.

Jieun tilted her head to the side, "Why are you whispering?

Yehana explained that i was very late at night where she was and that her room mate was sleeping. Jieun then continued to ask what a room mate was and Yehana explained to her that it was. Jieun nodded her head as she understood and they then continued their conversation.

"Did Jisung tell you I have a boyfriend?" Jieun giggled as Yehana exaggerated her expression.

"A bOyFRieNd!?" Yehana whispered-yelled at the seven year old.

Jieun giggled uncontrollably as her exaggeration. Jisung sighed loudly and exaggerated, too.

"A boyfriend, I know right..."

Jieun laughed again, "His name is Daehyun... he's very handsome."

Yehana grinned, "That's funny, Jieunie. Is he nice to you?"

She nodded her head, "Jisung said that if he wasn't, he'd have to talk to him."

Jisung poppe his head into the frame, "No one touches my little sister."

Yehana smiled again and then yawned, "I'm gonna go to sleep you two."

Jisung came into the frame again, "Okay, Yehana Banana. Be safe and do good tomorrow. Jieunie, say good night."

"Good night, Yehana!"

"Good night. Do well on your test today." And with that she hung up and she dreamed about him and her. Being more than happy and more than in love.


I haven't updated this book in a century, y'all. How is everyone? I hope you all are doing good! Over this summer I'm going to give you all some quality content ass books. I have a Chenle book planned and my Jeno book is taking form. But all 2000 liner books from here on out will be them in college. So "FCKBOI" and "FCKGURL" take place with Hyuck in high school and "INFIRMARY BOY" with all, except for Mark in high school.

This summer y'all won't be able to not read my books (;


INFIRMARY BOY.JISUNGWhere stories live. Discover now