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August 19, 2022

Yehana drove down the freeway and pulled off at her desired location. She was early, as per usual. She was never one to run late or be tardy. The weather was warm and she dressed a bit more casual than she had. Her hair was much shorter and she styled it in two french-braid pigtails. She was now 20 years old and a pianist that performed at the most beautiful venues and places. She had an apartment in Munich, New York and here in Seoul. Her family was proud and boasted her status frequently. She lived a splendid life. And that's all she ever wanted.

She continued to drive and pulled into a large parking lot that she knew would soon be full. A few cars pulled in at the same time, early birds, just as herself. She put down the mirror on her sun visor and checked her makeup and hair before grinning and stepping out of the car. She walked at walked and got closer to the venue. Her heart was beating so fast. Faster, than before her performances. As she got closer, the people in the cars that pulled in alongside her, began to step out. They were all recognizable and distinct.

Jeno, Jaemin, Mark, Donghyuck, Chenle and Renjun. Her mouth fell open as she saw them. They had the same reaction. They each smiled and greeted her happily.

"Yehana! We haven't seen you in forever!" Chenle screamed as he hugged her.

"I know! It's been too long!" Yehana exclaimed!

"Where are you sitting?" Jeno asked as the boys all nodded their heads at his question.

"Oh, somewhere in the middle. Nowhere fancy." She explained as they all made a "pfft" noise.

"It looks liked you're gonna be sitting with us." Jaemin smiled before he put his arm around her shoulder and ushered her to the entrance .

As they neared the gates more people arrived and the giant poster of his was viewable. Wow, she thought, he accomplished his dreams.

They both had.

They slipped past the security with Jisung's manager's assistance. He got passes for the boys and they clarified they knew her and that they wanted to keep it a secret from Jisung. The manager allowed it and they snuck to the back as fans poured in from everywhere. Once they were out of sight, they were given refreshments and snacks as they waited for Jisung who was busy in another wing, getting ready.

Yehana missed Jisung. Everyday she thought about him and how successful he was. He won Rookie of the Year when he debuted and gained fans globally. And the deal was that she would wait for him. But she wouldn't wait anymore. They all caught up. Mark was living in South Korea again and had a steady job. Renjun was moving in between China and Korea, constantly. Jeno was in very serious relationship. Donghyuck had married his first love. Chenle was a singer as well, with a voice like honey.
Jisung, well, the concert spoke for himself. He was the new musician everyone raved about!

With that thought in her mind, Jisung's manager came in, he announced Jisung would be there in a few minutes. Yehana's palms got sweaty and her heart raced. She was nervous to see him again. She hoped he'd be excited to see her!

Jisung walked in as Yehana stood parallel to the door. His eyes went wide at the surprise and his mouth hug open, "Yehana?"

She smiled widely. Even the mere fact that he remembered her made her happy. Jisung then sprinted to her and picked her. He then swung her around and laughed as she laughed, too. He looked at his manager. It was in a way that asked for approval. The manager nodded his head and smiled, his arms crossed over his body. He placed Yehana down and kissed her.

He needed to.

It was just like the first time. Just as sweet and endearing. Even the spinning and placing her down. She remembered his soccer game and their first kiss so vividly. He broke the kiss and his lips turned into a smiled as they still rested against hers.

"I missed you so much, Yehana Banana."


Y'all this story could kiss my ass

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Y'all this story could kiss my ass

For the last time (thank you Jesus!) on this book


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