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Jisung sat after school with his soccer team as they discussed their game tomorrow, Friday. They created plans and strategies that would ultimately help them win. The coaches dismissed the boys and they fled into the locker rooms. One of Jisung's friends changed next to him as they talked.

"Who did you ask to wear your jersey?" His friend asked as Jisung questioned him.

"What do you mean?"

His friend pulled his shirt over his head, "You know, during school tomorrow, who is gonna wear your jersey?"

Jisung shrugged his shoulders, "Who's gonna wear yours?"

"My girlfriend... if you need someone to wear it, ask your crush." His friend concluded as he walked away.

Jisung sighed as he threw on his shirt and closed his locker. He made his way to the bus that picked up the after school kids. Then walked to the sixth house to the right, Yehana's house. Jisung knocked on the door and waited for her to answer it.

"Jisung?" She questioned as she opened the door.

"Hey, I just wanted to make sure you're still going to my game tomorrow, right?"

Yehana nodded her head, "Yup, I'll be there."

Jisung debated on whether or not he should ask her to wear his jersey, "Meet me at the back of the school, tomorrow morning. You know, where we met last time."

Yehana nodded her head as Jisung began to walk away, "Bye, Yehana Banana!"


Jisung waited, the jersey glued into his hands. It was a bit warmer today and not too cold. Yehana was pretty late, there were only five minutes left till the first bell rang. Her heels clicked as she made her way to him.

"Hey, Jisung."

"Yehana Banana!" He smiled as she sat down on the bench next to him.

"What do you need?" Yehana asked as he fiddled with the jersey.

"Can you wear this today?" He asked as Yehana took the jersey from his hands.

The jersey was black and blue striped which happened to match Yehana's outfit perfectly. She wore her jean skirt and a pair of black strappy heels. She read his name and ran her finger over his number, 16.

"Why don't you have Minkyeon wear it?" She questioned.

"Yehana, I don't know her that well..."

She pursed her lips and nodded her head at his fair statement, "Then ask the girl you like?"

Jisung mentally face palmed himself, "You are the girl I like, you idiot."

He thought as he tried to come up with a better argument, "Yehana, please?"

"Just ask Minkyeon? It'll make her happy."

The bell rang as Jisung pushed the jersey against her chest softly, "If I wanted Minkyeon to wear it, I would have asked her. Okay, Yehana Banana?"

Yehana played with the jersey as he ran off to his class and she did the same. Right before walking into class, she threw on the jersey over the black shirt she was previously wearing and smiled as she tucked in the bottom of the shirt into her denim skirt.


"Are you wearing Jisung's jersey?" One of Yehana's friends asked as she met up with them for lunch.

"Yeah." She smiled.

Her friend looked confused, "You guys are dating?"

"What?" Yehana asked as Minkyeon walked in front of the girls.

"When you wear a boy's jersey, you're practically dating them, or they like you." Minkyeon answered.

"I don't think Jisung intended that."

Minkyeon raised her eyebrows and pursed her lips, "Did you ask him to wear it?"

Yehana shook her head, "No! He asked me if I would."

Minkyeon went quiet as one of the girls stepped in, "Minkyeon, don't get ass hurt that he doesn't like you, okay? We told you to stay away from him because he obviously likes Yehana."

Yehana's eyes went big, "He doesn't like me! He likes someone else. He told me when I went with him to get his hair done."

"You went with him to get his hair done?" Minkyeon asked as it did sound a bit fishy.

"Why is that such a big deal?" Yehana asked as Minkyeon huffed.

"If you guys are dating, you should just tell us." Their sensible friend stated as Yehana shook her head no.

"He doesn't like me," Yehana whispered, "I swear."


After the argument took place at school, Yehana made her way to the soccer game to see Jisung play. She sat next to a few of her other friends, even some people she didn't know. Minkyeon sat behind her as she talked with their friends while leaving Yehana out of the conversation. Jisung walked onto the field and waved at Yehana as they began stretching.

He stretched his arms and his legs while staring at Yehana who seemed distant to her friends. She seemed annoyed as Minkyeon ignored her and winked at him. Jisung stood up and got ready for their plays. He was a superstar on the team. He was constantly played and received the nickname "Tricksung" from all the cool moves he knows how to do. He's a striker, which usually means he makes all the goals. In a good season, he makes about 4+ goals.

Yehana watched in amazement as the game began to wrap up. Jisung was covered in sweat and still had about 12 seconds on the big clock. He looked extremely ambitious, with the scores being tied. One of the corner players threw in the ball and a midfielder from the opposite team received it. A defender from Jisung's team tackled the player and sent the ball to midfield where a player kicked the ball to Jisung and he made the final point at the last second. The final score was 4-3. Students fled onto the soccer field to congratulate the players. Yehana ran to Jisung and gave him a big hug.

Jisung swung her around, noticing that Minkyeon was watching. He knew that it would hurt her feelings, but Jisung needed to do it. He placed Yehana down and kissed her.

He needed to.

Yehana's eyes went big as he stepped away from her, but her lips turned into a smile as Jisung ran away and joined his joyful team.


You guys are so consistent with the reads and votes, it makes me happy as hell (:

Update as of 2020: They way I wrote an entire book about piano and soccer, not knowing a single thing about either topics. How many shots is an ample yet applaudable amount for a striker?    


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