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Jisung walked into school, holding two cups from the coffee shop down the street. He strolled in, his backpack weighing him down and the soccer ball still resting under his arm. He saw Yehana and her friends: Minkyeon and several other girls. He sighed knowing he wouldn't be able to talk to her alone. Though there was a complication, Jisung still trotted his way towards the girls. He plastered a smile onto his face and called for Yehana.

"Yehana Banana!"

She lifted her head and waved at him with a smile pressed on her lips, "Jisung!"

He walked to the group and greeted them a good morning, then handed her the drink he had purchased her. The girls quietly cringed as Minkyeon put her head down quietly. Yehana signaled with her eyes for Jisung to say something specifically to Minkyeon. Jisung's eyes went big and he shrugged his shoulders. He then faked his puppy dog smile and sat down next to Yehana.

"Hi, Minkyeon!"

She popped her head up and sent him a bright smile, "Hi, Jisung."

He spoke with the girls for a few moments before receiving a text from his friends that he should meet up with them, "I better get going..."

The girls bid him good bye, "Jisung!" One of her friends screamed.

He turned around, "Yeah!"

"You look like Thing One and Thing Two!"

Yehana screamed in embarrassment for Jisung. It was more of a cackle as she was making fun of him. He laughed at their corny joke before running off to his friends.

Minkyeon yelled giddily as he turned the corner and disappeared from their sight, "He said 'hello' to me!"

The girls laughed at her as Yehana's stomach shivered with an unusual jealousy. Maybe it wasn't jealousy... maybe it was her period. I had been roughly a month since she had met Jisung. Or maybe she was jealous... was she?


Rather than sitting a ways away from the girls, Jisung and his friends had generated to an area a bit closer to them. They were all sitting as they munched on their lunch, their attention transferred as they heard the clanking of Yehana's heels on the bleachers' metal. Yehana stepped up the bleachers with two cola bottles in her hands. She smiled and waved at the boys as she made her way to Jisung. She extended her hand and handed him one of the bottles of cola.

"What are these for?" He questioned as Yehana smiled widely.

"You bought me a tea this morning, so I decided to pay you back..."

Jisung titled his head to the side, deciding whether or not he should take the cola, "Yehana Banana, keep it."

Yehana shook her head and insisted he take it from her, "Please, so we're even."

He sighed before taking the cola from her, "Thank you."

"No problem, Jisung. You're gonna need all the sugar and energy for your soccer practice today."

He nodded his head at her thoughtfulness, "I have a game next week-"

MInkyeon cut in, "Oh really, what time? Is it a home game or an away game?"

Jisung bit the inside of his mouth, annoyed with Minkyeon, "It's here... maybe you guys could all come."

Yehana nodded her head and Minkyeon agreed also. Yehana checked the pocket of her plaid skirt, she pulled out a lollipop, "Here."

Jisung smiled at how she noticed the small things about him, "Thank you, Yehana Banana."


A very short update but I hope you all enjoyed it! Next weeks chapter will obviously be about two times the size of this, so please anticipate it! I think you guys will like the next chapter... it will take place at the soccer game.

I don't think you'll like it... I know you'll like it (;

Until next update!


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