Prologue - A Couple of Drinks Makes It All So Easy

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Won't be posting more this until I finish two of my stories, which shouldn't be too long. And I need a cover so if one y'all wanted to do that, that would be awesome.


*Two Months Before*

"Happy birthday baby. How do you wanna celebrate?" Tyler's voice woke me up. I can't believe I ended up here.


Not to mention the fact that I'm still here when he woke up. After the first few times, I started leaving early. I started to develop feelings, so I ran.

"I have plans with friends tonight," I sat up and pulled my hair into a ponytail, "What team is going to be here tonight?"

"Oilers," he muttered, not impressed at the fact that I probably wanted a hookup with some guy that was never here. I was getting bored with my usual guys, "Avs are in town early too."

"Mmmm. Gabriel Landeskog."

"Puck bunny."

"Alright Ty. I've slept with you and one other NHL player," I told him as I got out of his bed and found my pants and shirt. They were at opposite sides of the room, not surprising, "And don't act like you haven't hooked up with a new girl every night since the last time I was here."

"Don't act like you don't have feelings for me, Jules," he half joked. He hadn't been in Texas very long, only about a year, but it was long enough for him to get around. The girls kind of ran towards him wherever he went, but I can't say I blame them.

"It's not acting babe," I called out as I walked down the hall. I stopped by the fridge for an orange and a bottle of gatorade before I left.

I had gotten to know Ty in all the times I ended up in his apartment after a night on the town. He's a sweetheart, he really is. He's a good hockey player but he's young. He knows he's good at what he does and he knows how to get girls to go home with him. But something told me he wanted more though. That his random hookups weren't cutting it anymore. I didn't want a relationship. Not today, not tomorrow, probably not even in the next year.

I drove to my apartment and was greeted by my roommate who was making breakfast already.

"Who's house was it this time?" She wondered as she flipped a pancake.

"Some tool from the east coast. You plan on making enough for me?"

"Of course," she set a plate of pancakes in front of me along with syrup and butter, "What are you tonight?"

"I was thinking dinner and maybe a few drinks. I'm feeling 22 right now."

She rolled her eyes and went back to making pancakes. It was a rare occasion when I could get Grace to go out with me. We were complete opposites and best friends. She's such a beautiful, sweet girl. Never been one to drink, even if we are legal now. Doesn't sleep around and was the kind of girl you'd want teaching your child. That's why she's a local elementary school teacher.

Me? I'm the girl with red lipstick, 6 inch heels, and a tight black dress that everyone is intimidated by. I'm really not that mean. I'm actually really friendly, I just like messing around with the guys.

I was thankful that my birthday was on a Friday. I took the day off so I could celebrate the whole weekend.

"I got you glass seats for the game tonight, so surprise!" She handed me the tickets before sitting down next to me.

"How did you get these? They had to have cost a fortune..."

"Don't worry about it. I figured we can go with the girls and then you can go out after," I pulled her towards me and hugged her.

Oh Juliet // T. SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now