Chapter 6 - I Can't Believe I'm Saying This

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Since the oireachtas was in downtown Dallas, I was able to sleep in and sleep in my own bed. It was wonderful, but the looks I got walking down the street in full makeup, my wig, and poodle socks with a duffel bag and a dress bag were priceless.

I had told most of my friends I didn't care if they came because I didn't. My family was coming and that's all that really mattered to me. Sawyer was upset she couldn't compete, but was excited to watch me.

Tyler and Grace were definitely not coming. For one, the Stars had a game on the first day. And two, they had been staying at Tyler's place ever since my little outburst. Grace was pissed, but I didn't really care. She could be mad all she wanted but that was my apartment too.

I stood on the elevator completely blank. I had no idea what was going on in my life besides the fact that this competition completly determined if I would keep my ranking in the world. No pressure or anything.

That was all I could think of. That was all I allowed myself to think of. No work. No Jamie. Definitely no Tyler. I just had to focus on smiling and kicking ass. Figuratively and literally.

When I got to the convention center, all the booths were set up. I had gotten there early, so I decided to talk to a few of the dress makers. Talk some designs for the next one if I could stand to let go of the blue one.

"Juliet, how are you?" Gvin Doherty asked as he pulled me in for a hug.

"Nervous but good." I smiled, noticing he was wearing a suit that matched my dress. He always does that for competitions, but he never asked me.

"You'll do great out there." Well shit. I sure hope so.

"Thanks Gavin. I'm sure I'll be back to see you later. I think my dad wants me to get a new dress."

"I'll be here all weekend."

I looked around at some of the other designers. If I did get a new one, I wanted something completely different. Preferably not from a big name person. I had drawn up a few ideas, but I really loved my dress.

"Check yes Juliet are you with me?" Someone asked as they took out the one ear bud I had in.

"You have got to stop doing that." I turned around to see the Louisiana dancer standing behind me.

"But your reaction is priceless. I wish I could get it on camera." She told me with a devilish grin.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." She grabbed for my phone to see what was playing.

"Huh. No Dropkick Murphys today?"

"Nope. I was going for a more mellow vibe."

"So you're listening to Hunter Hayes and 5 Seconds of Summer?" She cocked a brow, questioning my taste in music.

"I think there's some Emblem3 in there too."

"Yep. Are you like obsessed with Obsessed?" She laughed at her own question.

"Yeah maybe I am."

"Dude stick to Dropkick Murphys. It suites you better." She handed me back my phone and went on her way.

I found a corner no one was occupying and started thinking about practicing. I got a few good luck texts and wall posts from friends and family so I replied and turned off the signal before going over my steps one last time.

I knew my hard show dances were almost guaranteed to get me to worlds, so I didn't even try to get my soft shoe perfect. Less dances, less stress.

I was blank the entire day. I didn't feel anything. Somehow, I made myself completely numb. I'm not saying this was a bad thing, but it would've been nice to react when the announcer said I would be going to worlds after taking second overall. Instead, it took my really good dance friends hugging me to realize that's the highest I've placed here.

Oh Juliet // T. SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now