Chapter 14 - I Don't Have the Heart to Break Your Heart

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I talked to Tyler before Grace woke up. He said that once we were back to Dallas, he would break it off. He wanted me to be there when he did it, but I didn't know if that was a good idea. We would wait until she cooled off and then we would drop the bomb about me carrying his baby.

"Good luck." He kissed my forehead before I left to go down and warm up.

I don't know why, but the second day was worse than the first. Partially because of Tiny Human. It was making sure I didn't leave the bathroom for a while and none of my dance friends were buying the whole nerves story. I finally told them, though. Tyler knew. Grace knew. My best friends should know.

"Wait. You're how many months pregnant and you still look amazing out there? You're working that pregnancy glow you sneaky girl." Anne, one of the dancers from Ireland who was still in high school, laughed. I was usually helping her at this point, but right now we were hanging out in the bathroom.

I was tired and sick and nervous and apparently swooning over some stupid hockey player that may or may not stick around. I've learned not to take his word seriously because apparently he doesn't keep it very often.

But I wasn't about to let anyone know that. My competitors, no matter how wonderful, can be pretty ruthless. I didn't want them to find out my weaknesses. Especially when they're right in the audience watching me.

There was still an hour before I would start dancing when Jamie found me and brought lunch with him.

"How is this not awkward for you?" I asked him, stuffing food in my mouth.

He shrugged, "It's only awkward if you make it awkward. I figured you were too far gone so I decided to just be there for you."

"What did I do to deserve to have such a great friend?" I rested my head on his shoulder while I finished my sandwich. That's what I've been living off since being in Boston, with the exception of our dinner the other night. I tried eating Chinese last night but Tiny Human wasn't having that either.

"Apparently get knocked up by my teammate." He laughed.

"Thanks, Jamie."

"I'm just trying to be a good friend since Tyler currently has his hands tied. But he has been pretty distant with Grace if that makes you feel better."

"Yeah. Totally makes me feel awesome that I'm the reason my best friend is going to be miserable for the next however many weeks." I rolled my eyes and doubled over, starting to stretch.

"I guess that's my cue to go. Good luck, Juliet. You'll do amazing." He rubbed my back and left me alone. I took a few deep breaths and switched exercises. I didn't practice these dances as much as I should have, but there's nothing I can do about it now besides hope and pray that it won't completely screw up my scores.

Then again, my dress stood out enough that it would be hard not to watch my already unbelievable dancing.

And I guess I've become really egotistical while I'm pregnant. But why wouldn't I be? Tiny Human is going to be awesome.

After the last dance was over, one by one they called the names of the girls that placed. Top fifteen, my name wasn't called. Top ten, my name wasn't called. Top five, my name still wasn't called and I could feel the tears well up in the corners of my eyes. By now, most of the girls that didn't place had left the stage. Top two, they took an unneccesarily long pause before calling the name of the girl who took second.

It was mine.

I turned to the girl next to me and hugged her. "You won! Congratulations!" She was from the UK and was the favorite to win. She was amazing.

Oh Juliet // T. SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now