Chapter 13 - Oh Juliet, You're so beautiful

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Idk why but I'm in love with this dress. It's amazing. So different than all the others I had seen before.

It was the morning of worlds and I was on the edge of a panic attack.

Jamie was fast asleep and I have no idea what to do besides wake my older brother.

"What's going on Julie?"

"I have no idea what I'm doing here," I admitted, "My dress looks stupid on me."

"That's a lie. Let me see it on you." And for the first time, I let someone besides the designer see it on my body. He waited outside the bathroom as everyone slept. I brought the solo bag into the small room with me and zipped up my brand new dress, that had only been worn maybe twice before, and walked out to the lit up area that my brother was standing in.

"That looks amazing on you, Juliet. Go Captain Jack Sparrow on their ass and go heavy on the eye liner and do a smoky eye. You'll rock it with that new hair of yours."

I stood there, staring at my brother, wondering how he knew what I should be doing when even I wasn't sure.

"I'm gay. I have a boyfriend. Mom and dad know, don't worry." I laughed to myself and hugged him. "I actually didn't know until I met him. That's why you didn't know."

"You're still the best brother I could ever ask for. I'm sure Sawyer would say the same thing."

"Why would Sawyer say that when she has an older sister like you?" Austin grabbed my chin and pulled it up so that I was looking him in the eye. "You are amazing. You have no idea how much I look up to you. Your work ethic? Amazing. The way you dance? Completely out of this world. Our parents don't have a favorite, but if they did it would be you. Sawyer has someone to look up to, even if you are pregnant. That doesn't take away from the fact that you are a completely unbelievable person."

I could feel my eyes water but I refused to let them fill any longer. "Thanks, Austin. I'll see you later." I told him as I took off the dress and put it back in the bag before grabbing my school dress and my dance bag filled with all the necessary items including snacks thanks to my family.

I got to the lobby and checked in. From there, someone directed me to the warm up and practicing space. I wouldn't be on for over 6 hours, but that gave me more than enough time to go over my steps multiple times and sleep for a while. I made sure to bring a pillow for that.

But just before I got to check in, Tyler woke up. My brother was still in our room, but no one else was.

"Juliet. You're going to do amazing. I love you." He grabbed my face and pulled me towards him, "I love you. I know I should be with you but she begged me for a second chance. I couldn't turn her down. That doesn't mean I don't want to be with you though." He pulled my face towards his and our lips touched.

I didn't want it to be more than a kiss, but something about him was so addicting that I had to get more. I wrapped my arms around his neck and made him deepen the kiss. We wanted each other, that was for sure. Whether or not we would end up together was completely up to him.

In my dance bag was one of those small fleece blankets that you find in an airplane, only Grace's mom had gotten it for me. How ironic, I know. I was almost sleeping with her boyfriend and yet using the blanket that her mother got me for my 19th birthday as a comforting object (other than the stuffed animal Tyler had made me a while back) during the competition that I was secretly making out with her boyfriend at with.

Technically, we just kissed. But, it might as well had been more. It meant more and even I know it did. My brother was there for it and he knew exactly what was going on between the two of us just from the way Tyler was acting towards me.

Oh Juliet // T. SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now