Chapter 15 - But I Can't Finish What You Want To Start

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Getting back to Dallas was more stress than I had bargained for. My mom wanted me to either move into an apartment by myself, or with the father, or back home. Didn't have the courage to tell her I would be doing none of the above.

As for the Tyler situation, he broke up with Grace at a neutral location and came to my apartment right after because that's the completely logical thing to do.

He walked in the door and I dropped my spoon. I definitely need to start locking the door. Well, I guess I don't need to worry anymore. I'll be living with Bethani for a while. Once I think about it, my mom will probably go over with me to find an apartment right away.

"What are you doing?" There was still cereal in my mouth but that didn't stop me from

"I broke up with her and wanted to see you."

"We actually need to talk." I got up and dumped the rest of my cereal into the garbage disposal. There wasn't a way I could eat any more.

"I think it could wait." He walked over and kissed me. After a while, he lifted me onto the counter, taking my breath.

We had gotten carried away when the door opened, "You bitch."

My head dropped. This was not the way she needed to find out.

"Let me explain." Tyler turned around, Grace near tears

"You dumped me for my best friend?" It really sucks, doesn't it.

"No. He didn't dump you for your best friend."

"Sure doesn't look like that." She snapped, crossing her arms. I honestly can't remember the last time that I saw her this upset. There was no way she was going to listen to my story. I didn't know why I let him distract me. I knew that wasn't a good idea.

"Remember that tool from the east coast I kept hooking up with? Yeah. That was Tyler. Is Tyler. Believe it or not, I had feelings for him. My birthday was the last time we slept together before we got together. Then when you broke up, we slept together and well something happened and now I'm pregnant. I wish you didn't have to figure out this way." I hopped off the counter and pulled Jamie's sweatshirt over my hands. I guess I didn't know how I expected her to react. I'm not sure I would believe it either.

"So he's the father? You cheated on me with her?" She turned to each of us, livid. I didn't know how to calm her down and that was probably a lost cause at this point.

"You two weren't dating. I wouldn't do that to you, Grace."

"But you can get knocked up by my ex?"

"What about how I feel Grace? I had to keep this a secret and the reason you thought I hated Tyler all this time is because I love him and am in love with him. I'm so happy that he's the father of my child. You already know how amazing he is. I've felt this way about him for the longest time and I was scared to do anything about it and I still am. I was heart broken when I found out that you two were dating, but I didn't say anything because I knew you were happy."

She stood there, hurt. I just wanted to hug her and beg her to realize that I didn't mean to hurt her.

"I think I should go." Tyler kissed my cheek and paused next to Grace. "I really am sorry. This situation is fucked." And with that, he left. I really hoped he would be calling me or at least texting me later, but I didn't count on it.

"I'm staying at my parents house tonight. Grace, I should have told you at the beginning who that guy was and then again when you started dating him. I understand if you hate me and never want to talk to me again, but please know that I'm sorry." I grabbed my bag and keys before heading out the door.

Oh Juliet // T. SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now