Chapter 2 - I Could Tell You're Wounded Because You Cry So Freely

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I got home early for once in my life. I actually quit. I gave up on dancing for the first time and broke down crying. I wasn't too worried about going home because Grace told me she was staying at Tyler's for the night. Just like every other night. I mean, I'm sure his apartment was much nicer than ours. He also didn't have a roommate, unlike Grace.

I walked into the house, sniffling with enough take out Mexican food to feed five people. I set the bags down on the table and went to grab a pop and the taco sauce before I realized that the tv was on and they were both looking at me. I grabbed my food and silently went to my room, leaving my dance bag by the door. I knew it would piss Grace off but I honestly did not care.

I could hear them mumbling something as I walked away from them. I locked my door, hoping neither of them would come knocking. I wasn't that lucky though.

"Jules, what's wrong?"

"Can you let me eat in peace for twenty fucking minutes?"


"What?" I snapped, throwing the door open.

"You left your bag by the door." She handed it to me, not impressed with how I was acting. I guess I wasn't allowed to have bad days. "I have to run something down to Laura. I'll be back in a few."

I shut my door and went back to eating. I didn't remember to lock it so minutes later, Tyler walked in and sat on my bed.

"It's weird that I've never been in your bedroom before." He said, "But you pretty much lived at my place for a while."

"It's weird that you're dating one of my best friends." I shoved a chip in my mouth and put hot sauce on my taco. "What do you want Tyler."

"For you to look at me and tell me what's going on." I spun my desk chair around and rested my feet on the edge of my bed. Even though I was being a bitch, he was calm. I didn't really understand why he would be, or why he even cared.

"Can't I have a bad day?"

"Bad days don't make you come home early. Bad days make you stay longer. What's going on?"

"I don't know. I just had a shitty day, isn't that good enough for you?" I started to raise my voice. Why didn't anyone get the concept that I can have a bad day without having to tell them some deep psychological reason.

"There's something else."

"You're not my psychologist. Stop trying to be."

"Stop being so damn stubborn, Juliet. Tell me what's going on. You always did before."

"What? You're not used to having a girl not fall over you the minute you walk into the room? That's right. You go for the girls who just want to sleep with you because you're Tyler Seguin and they've heard the sex is good."

"Damn it Juliet, I liked you. Why couldn't you see that?" His voice was beginning to get louder than mine.

"You cannot tell me you don't miss hooking up with random girls every night." He was silent, which pissed me off that much more. "Do not fuck with Grace's feelings."

"You seem more worried about your roommate's feelings than your own."

"I don't have feelings for you." Yeah, Juliet. Just keep telling yourself that. It'll be the truth at some point.


"Not every girl is head over heels in love with you because you won a freaking Stanley Cup and are on the Stars. I could honestly care less about those things."

"So you like me for me?" He raised his brows, questioning what I had just told him.

"Get the fuck out of my room, Seguin."

Oh Juliet // T. SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now