Chapter 8 - But I Can't Finish What You Want to Start

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"They're going to love you, Juliet. Don't worry about that." Jamie tried calming me down, but my hungover self wasn't thinking rationally. At all.

"Sure they will. I'm a great person." I told him sarcastically.

"You are."

"You must be the Juliet that Jamie always talks about." Mrs. Benn greeted me. It made me feel better than our dresses almost matched. It was one of the rare colorful ones I had. I figured I should look cheerful when I meet the parents, even if we aren't dating. I wasn't sure that I wanted to put the impression that I was a cold, heartless bitch that was in love with their son's best friend.

I feel like I was the only one that didn't change when Tyler came into their lives. The Stars are better than they were before. Jamie changed on the outside, from what I've heard he's still the same big teddy bear that he was before. And then there's my roommate.

"I've read a lot about you. Ever since our son has been talking about the best Irish dancer in the world, I wanted to know a little more about her." I'm sure there's a lot to read about me on the internet. That I won this award and that I won that. My life is so exciting. There's a ton that I could tell them but it's not exactly brunch material.

"I hope you've read all good things." I laughed nervously. I knew there were a few blogs out there that didn't like me. Specifically moms that said my dad bought my placement on the podium. I can assure you that's not true. It's not needed.

"Of course. You're one of the top candidates to win at the world competition." Jamie's father was making it seem like I was going to win like a huge prize or something. It was only Irish dance.

I'm sure that's weird coming from someone who's world revolves around Irish dance, but his son has am olympic gold medal. That's so much more impressive. I guess that might be the fact that I've met more than one girl who has placed first at worlds.

"No pressure or anything," Jamie laughed, placing his hand on my thigh, rubbing the bare skin between my knee and the hem of my dress. Yeah, okay Jamie. This is not happening. I'm trying to make a good impression here...

"If I danced to win, I'd be on the top of the podium every time, but I dance because I love it. The only reason I'm one of the best dancers in the world is because I'm always dancing. The studio is kind of my getaway. I spend most of my time there."

"Sounds like Jamie when he was younger." His mom told me, "Are you looking to make this into a job?"

"Like tour with Michael Flatley? No. I don't think so. I do want to have my own dance school though."

Jamie was driving me back from dropping his parents off at the airport when he brought up the whole dating situation. I told him I'd rather have this conversation in my apartment and he was more than willing to wait.

But by the time we got up to my place, I was crying. I couldn't handle what I was about to tell him.

"Juliet, we don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I'm sorry, I didn't think you would react this way." He rushed to me, worried that he did something wrong. No. This was all my fault.

"No. Jamie, I don't want a relationship because I'm hung up on some guy. I'd much rather be committed to you than be pathetically in love with my best friend's boyfriend." The words came out of my mouth before I could stop them. I swore under my breath as he looked at me.

Oh Juliet // T. SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now