Chapter 5 - I Don't Have the Heart to Break Your Heart

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Getting back to dancing was great, but it was also more stressful. From here on out, everything had to be absolutely perfect because the oireachtas was fast approaching. I spent a lot of time at the studio, but not near as much time as I should be, in my opinion. Everyone else was glad I wasn't there as often though.

The girls I taught individually were limited to an hour a week with me so that I was able to keep my sanity in check for the most part. How sane can I really be? Breaking in hard shoes two weeks before a major competition that I honestly didn't feel ready for. It didn't matter, as long as my shoes didn't fall apart on stage.

Like seriously, breaking in a pair of 6 inch heels was better than breaking in these fuckers.

Even though I stopped drinking llike I used to, I still went out with Vivian and was her wing woman. Encroaching competition just meant I was only drinking a beer or two, tops, and not going home with any random guys.

Well, not until two weeks before I needed to get my shit together.

"I shouldn't be going out tonight." Vivian set down her mascara and turned to me.

"You need to relax. Just go out with me so I can find someone to make out with tonight." Yeah, because you're just going to make out. I know you better than that, Viv.

"Okay whatever. I'm stealing your booze though." I walked out to see Sarah and Nora out on the couch with my cousin. I laughed, singing 'Scotty Doesn't Know' to myself as I grabbed a bottle of vodka out of the freezer.

"Stop singing that song," my cousin yelled from the couch, not taking his eyes off the tv. "And stop flipping me off." Damn, he was good.

"Damn it Scotty. You ruin everything." I grabbed a glass from the cupboard and generously poured myself some vodka before adding the red bull. "Honey came in and she caught me red-handed, creeping with the girl next door. Picture this we were both butt naked, banging on the bathroom floor."

"How could I forget that I had given her an extra key. All this time she was standing there, she never took her eyes off me." Vivian belted out, upsetting the three watching a movie on the couch.

"Good God. You guys aren't even drunk yet and you're already annoying." Nora snapped. Yeah, okay.

"Exactly why we're leaving." Vivian poured my drink into a plastic cup and we were off to our favorite spot. I had offered to hook her up with one of the Stars but apparently she was going for the opposing team tonight. No idea who it was, but I guess I was about to find out.

"So the Rangers are in town and their goalie is a babe."

"Not to mention married with a daughter." I looked at her like she was insane. Yeah, he was a gorgeous man and amazing player, but no.

"Well they aren't here and I am."

"Vivian. I'm not letting you be a homewrecker. He probably won't be out tonight, anyway." I ruined her hopes and dreams as I ordered shots. For myself. This was the only time I'd be able to drink like this until after Worlds. If I made it there.

My friend left me, which I didn't really mind. It just meant I didn't have to help her struggle to get words out. I don't know why she ruins it by mumbling. She's damn gorgeous and could get any guy that she wanted in this room. Just needs to have a few drinks before that happens, unfortunately.

"Juliet!" Val yelled, he was obviously drunk, like I was getting to be. "How are you?"

"I'm not drunk enough for this. How'd the game go?"

"We lost. It's because I didn't get to play." I laughed and shook my head. This kid is something else.

"Okay Val."

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