Chapter 7 - 'Cause I Can Almost Taste Your Kiss

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I wasn't going to drink or hook up until after Worlds. It wasn't too far away and I knew I would be able to do it. I've done it before, this would be easy. Things were going good. Mainly because Jamie kept my mind off of everything going on with Tyler, even if he didn't know he was. In all honesty, Jamie deserved so much better than me.

I came home from practicing one night and found my roommate wearing some sort of formal gown. Lots of sparkles. A light blue color. Reminded me of Meg's dress from Hercules. Apparently she was going for some Grecian look.

"I'm going to a benefit with Ty. I'll probably just stay at his place tonight." She looked in the mirror, checking to make sure everything was where she wanted it to be.

No idea what this benefit was for, but I'm surprised that Jamie wasn't going. Then again, his family was in town this weekend and I think he wanted to spend some quality time with them.

Tyler walked into the room and as much as I wanted to run, I was stuck in my place next to the couch. The first few buttons of his white dress shirt were unbuttoned, leaving me wanting to unbutton the rest and take him to bed with me.

The two of them were staring at each other. They both looked good and I was standing there in yoga pants and a sweaty long sleeve shirt. Not to mention my unruly hair all over the place.

The way he was looking at her made me sick. He had never looked at me that way. Well, that I knew of. It was obvious that he loved her and whatever we had in the past was in fact, nothing. It was hard to accept, but I did. Without saying something I went to my room and waited for them to leave. As soon as I closed the door, I started to silently cry.

Laying in a ball on my bedroom floor, I realized that nothing would happen with Tyler. As much as I wanted to accept it, I wanted him to realize he wanted me more and leave Grace. But I knew how much drama that would cause I and I didn't know if it was worth it.

Sitting on the kitchen floor, drunk out of my mind, I heard the door open. I looked up to see that stupid, tattooed, hockey player that my roommate is dating. The sleeves on his dress shirt were rolled up and his hair was messed up. Guessing they had a little fun in the car on the way home..

"I thought you said you weren't going to drink anymore." He tossed the mail on the counter and set something in the fridge without making eye contact. It took him a few minutes to notice the empty bottles sitting on the counter. "Jesus, how many bottles of wine have you drank?"

"Yeah, well, when your best friend is dating the guy you love and she deserves him more than you, you kinda need a way to forget you miss him. I think this is my fifth, but the first one was only half empty." Got that pessimistic attitude going on now because why not.

"It's midnight and you have empty bottles of wine. You don't miss me, Juliet." He said through a clenched jaw. Apparently he didn't feel the way I did.

"If I didn't miss you, I wouldn't be holding an empty bottle of wine." I took another swig from the bottle. It was going down like water now. Not that it didn't before.

"Stop fucking with my best friend." He snapped before slamming the door.

I wasn't using Jamie, I really wasn't. I flat out told him that I wanted a no strings attached sort of relationship, and he was all for it. I expected him to go out and bring other girls home some nights. He never did. Val told me it was the company that had him hooked. I prayed that was true because I didn't want to break his heart.

I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. Apparently the whole 'wine doesn't give hangovers' doesn't apply after you start the third bottle.

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