Chapter 10 - 'Cause You Know I Know How Good This Would Be

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It had been over a month since that night with Tyler. Grace was back to her old self and Jamie was helping me stay motivated and actually keep with dancing. I didn't stay at home much, but Grace didn't seem to mind. She kept herself busy most days and started seeing someone else. She just wasn't the same.

I was sitting on Jamie's floor doing something for work when someone started knocking. "Jamie. Get the door." I yelled, too lazy to get off my ass and get it myself. It was his place after all.

"Hey, you can come in."

"Juliet, can we talk?" Tyler's voice startled me. I slowly looked up at him with a blank expression.

"Alright. I'll leave you two alone." Jamie spoke up before going to his bedroom.

"Please, just listen to me for a while." I didn't want to hear what he said. I didn't care to hear what he said.

"Okay." I muttered.

"Juliet, you're the one I want to be with. You're the one I want to get married to. I want you to be there in the stands for all of my games or waiting for me at home. I want to be at all of your shows. I want to watch our kids grow up to be dancers or hockey players or whatever they want to be."

I stared at him, without a clue of what to say. This is exactly what I wanted and I knew that he wanted to wait just like I did. I just didn't want Grace to be hurt.

"Please say something." His eyes were pleading as he knelt down in front of me.

"I- I want this too. I just don't know if it's a good idea, Tyler." I struggled to find the words I was looking for.

"We can wait, then."

"I don't know.."

"Come on, Juliet. You know that we would be great together."

"Tyler, I want this. I just, worlds is literally less than two weeks away and I don't need the stress. Can we postpone this conversation until after when all I have to worry about is work?"

"Sure, sure. That's fine. I'll see you later then. Jamie I'll see you at practice."

"See ya Segs." Jamie returned to his place on the couch when his teammate had left. "So what did you talk about?"

"He pretty much said he wants to marry me and start a family, but that's not a very smart idea. That would mean we have to date first and I'm not really the kind of girl that people usually date. Relationships scare me away because that means comittment and I don't do committ unless it's dance or work related." I went off about how it wasn't a good idea and started repeating myself, but couldn't stop.

"Juliet. Take a breather." He leaned forward and started rubbing my back. I slumped forward, putting my head in my hands. "If you really want to be with him, I'm sure Grace would understand. Especially if you explained the whole situation."

"The best part of this whole situation, is that he's telling me all of this crap. But he's probably out at a bar and going to take some girl home tonight. He's not going to wait around."

"You don't know that, Jules." I hated when he called me Jules. I don't know why, but it always pissed me off. And it was only when Jamie said it. Maybe it's just weird because he always calls me Juliet. Maybe it was because I liked it when he said my name.

"But I do. I know Tyler well enough that I know he wants me, but he doesn't want to wait around. He wants to marry me, but he doesn't want to date me."

Jamie nodded his head and let me be. I don't know how he got so good about it, but he knew what I needed. Later on, I crawled into his bed and fell asleep. I thought he would eventually join me, but when I left for work the next morning he was sleeping on the couch.

Oh Juliet // T. SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now