Chapter 1 - Strangers Become Lovers Every Night

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Grace was mentioned in one of my other stories. I'll dedicate the next chapter to the person who can tell me what chapter of which book it's in!

S/O to spongepanda for my kickass cover!


Lately, all my life had been dance, work, dance, and, sleep, over and over again. I had a competition in a few weeks and while I didn't exactly have to worry about my dances - or where I placed on the podium - I had tons of dancers that needed my help perfecting theirs. Since I didn't have time to think let alone prepare my own meals, the mothers started to worry and would make me dinner. Then pretty much force me to stop and eat for twenty minutes.

This started to really bother Grace. I was never around to help with anything and apparently I needed to meet her new boyfriend. Tonight.

"Remember we have dinner plans tonight. You need to meet Ty. I think you'll like him!" She told me as I searched for my ghillies.

"Seriously? I just fucking got those. I need to break them in." I mumbled, ignoring everything my roommate had just told me.

"Juliet, are you listening to me?"

"No. I'm kind of having a crisis." I yelled from my room.

"It's not even six in the morning, it's going to be fine." She leaned against my doorway, crossing her arms. She never understood when it came to dance.

I've never been really good at anything in my life. I was an average student. Average athlete. Got the average guys when I was younger. Most of the friends I had were fake because of daddy's money. Then I started dancing. For a while, I was still the average girl. I was alright when I didn't practice. Then I realized how great I could be if I tried.

Grace was the opposite. She was great at anything she tried, runs marathons, graduated with honors from college. President of every club or sorority she was in. I don't really need to go on, you get the point.

"No. I need to be to the studio by six so I can get at least two hours of my own dances since I'm pretty much booked tonight."

"With the dinner."

"I'm sorry, but I really don't want to be the third wheel on your lovely date. Maybe you can have him stop by the house while I'm acutally here?" All the bags and boxes I have in my room were on the floor. My mother would have a panic attack if she saw all the brand new clothes I just got. "There they are!"

"I can have him bring a friend."

"Oh good. A double blind date. That's exactly what I wanted."

"Jules, please. Just do this. For me." She gave me that face, the one where she gets what she wants, and I was pretty much done for.

"Fine. Send me the time and place and I'll be there as soon as I get done at the studio."

"Wear something nice." Our versions of nice are two different things. So I mean, leggings and a nice shirt would work, right?

"Whatever." I called, running out the door to the elevator. I was running late and probably forgot something.

Normally, I would just walk to the studio and then to work, but this time I was running. I dropped my bag at the door and started up some music to warm up to. Sneakers would have to be good enough for the day.

"Good morning Juliet," Our receptionist greeted, "Are those donuts?"

"Yeah. Do you want one?" I asked, opening up the box to her. I saw her eye one, but hold back. "Come on you want one."

Oh Juliet // T. SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now