Chapter 4 - Oh Juliet You're So Beautiful

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I really want pancakes


I look Monday off to recuperate from the weekend of dancing I had. We got back to Dallas at a decent hour, but my body needed to just rest. Or at least that's what I had in mind until Jamie called.

"You should really come over. Tyler and Grace are already here." Way to sell it, Chubbs. Now I can't turn down your offer.

"I'm tired, Jamie. I don't want to do anything." I whined, rolling over in my bed.

"We're just watching movies. I'll even come pick you up."

I sighed. I didn't have enough energy to argue with him and he did only live a few blocks away.

"Fine. Call me when you get here." I threw the blankets off of me and turned off my tv. I slipped into a pair of my brother's old basketball sweats and shoved my feet into my moccasins.

I met Jamie outside of my building, immediately climbing into his car.

"So I hear you kicked ass this weekend." He pulled on to the street, back to his place.

"Yeah, I guess." I shrugged. I hated being put on the spot like this. I was good, but I wasn't that good. "My treble reel didn't go as well as I wanted it to, I only got sixth, but apparently that didn't matter."

"If you keep up what you're doing, you'll be the best in the world soon." I laughed, oh how I wish that were true.

When we got into his apartment, we found everyone standing around the kitchen.

"Jules! I was just telling everyone how amazing you were this weekend." Oh good. That's exactly what needed.

"Yeah! Can you show us one of your dances?" Someone spoke up. I hated when people did this.

"Do the dance you took first in." Jamie nudged me with his elbow.

"There's not enough room and I can't dance in these sweats, sorry."

"Bullshit you have on spandex underneath them, I know you do." My best friend called me out. She definitely had a drink or two in her system. She never acts like this. Ever.

"And we can move furniture." Damnit Jamie. You're supposed to be on my side about this shit.

"Fine," I huffed, "But I'm not doing my hornpipe because I'm too tired for that so you're stuck with the slip jig."

I danced and they moved the furniture back to its original place. All I wanted to do was go to sleep, so as soon as I laid my head on Jamie's chest, I did.

When I woke up, they were switching movies. I sat up and looked around the room for Grace.

"She had to go home so she could wake up for work tomorrow." Jamie answered the question going through my mind.

"I need some water." I got up to see Tyler standing where I needed to go. I was tired. Just in general and of seeing him. "Get me a glass, please."

I walked over and rested my head on the fridge, closing my eyes. They opened back up when Tyler cleared his throat. "We need to talk." His voice was low, making sure his teammates didn't hear me.

"About?" He took a sip of his water and leaned back against the counter.

"What do you think?" I raised my brow. I'm not exactly in the mood for his coy games right now. I'd honestly rather be in my bed sleeping.

"Right. Is this a problem?" He smirked, making my heart drop. He knows exactly what he's doing to me right now.

"Aren't you and Jamie a thing?"

Oh Juliet // T. SeguinWhere stories live. Discover now