Chapter 11 - For a Superman or a Savior You're a Sweet Dream

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Preparing for the last major dance competition of my career, morning sickness, and a career didn't mix. I found that out the hard way one morning. And I'm not sure why they call it morning sickness when it comes at all hours of the day. I wasn't sure how I would hide this when I was in Boston with all of my friends and family.

That was only a few days away. We would be flying there and everyone would be staying in the same hotel, all in the same part of the hotel. Four in a room. Three rooms. I'd be staying with Jamie and that's all I knew for sure.

I ended the day early. Rather, my student's mom ended it early. I broke down because I couldn't do one of the trick steps. One that I've never been able to do.

"You know what sweetie? We're just going to go home. You're stressed and you really just need to rest."

"Okay. I get off at four tomorrow. You're more than welcome to meet me here at five and I will finish going over everything with you."

"Yeah. That works. See you then."

I calmed myself down and went home. I planned on having a nice bubble bath with stress relieving candles and then crawl in bed with the the Goblet of Fire. But when I walked in the door, I was in for a real treat.

"Hi Jules!" Grace greeted me with a big smile on her face. Tyler was sitting right next to her, arm around her shoulder.

"Oh. Hi."

"We're back together, if you can't tell." She stated, matter of factly. Ah yes. I kinda caught on to that.

"That's great. I'm happy for you," Complete and total lie, "I'm going to take a bath and go to bed. It's been a long day." I ignored the fact that I was completely right about Tyler and turned on music before starting the bath water. I texted Jamie, telling him what was going on.

Of course his first reaction was to have me come over, but I just wanted to take a bath and fall asleep. I said he could come over, but I was going to either be in the bath or sleeping so he opted to stay home. Can't say I blame him though. Who wants to hang out with the overly emotional pregnant girl? I wouldn't, that's for sure.

I laid in bed, trying to force myself to sleep but I couldn't. I tossed and turned for hours before I got up to puke. I didn't care for morning sickness. The only thing that was helping me get through it was the fact that I had a tiny human in me. Or, it would be a tiny human at some point. I'm not really sure what it looks like right now. It's pretty small I guess.

My mom went into a whole baby preparation phase. She turned one of the guest rooms into a nursery. Which she painted green. I thought that was funny considering the dad plays for the Stars. It was a gender neutral color and I hated yellow. She said we could add pink or blue depending on the sex but I loved the plain green with giraffes and elephants.

She bought a bunch of literature to read. You know, those "what to expect when you're expecting" books. Right now all I expect is to lose the contents of my stomach on the daily.

We didn't tell Sawyer she was going to be an aunt when she's barely a teenager. When I start showing, I'll tell her myself. Hey, I have a babysitter for when I'm at work for long periods of time.

Grace must be oblivious to the fact that I'm constantly in the bathroom, retching to the point I feel like my stomach is going to come up. She hasn't said a word about it since it started. Then again, she's been in her own world with Tyler.

Fuckboy. I knew this was going to happen. I really cannot fucking believe him. Maybe I should casually drop the bomb to my roommate when he's here. See his reaction. Film it too. It would be priceless.

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