Chapter 3 - As You Tell Your Story With Those Lonely Eyes

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I slowly let a breath out as I gathered all my things to go down to Houston. I checked - and rechecked - my dance bag, making sure I had everything I needed. I had multiple of everything in there mainly because I freak out if I don't. Forgetting something for a feis is what nightmares are made of.

Originally, I was supposed to go down with my family, but since Sawyer wouldn't be dancing until the day after me, Tyler was so generous as to offer to drive me and Grace down so that we could meet my brother.

Tyler started to put my dress in the back of his SUV, but I stopped him. "No! That goes in the back seat with me." I grabbed the bag that was covered in elephants and held it close to me.

"Geez. You act like that dress is a child or something."

"Three grand, Tyler. It is worth every penny, too." It wouldn't have cost as much, but I really like crystals.

"Are you getting a new one if you make it to the next one?"

"My parents think I should but I love this one so much that I don't know if I want to give it up just yet." I laid down the dress bag next to me in the spacious back seat. "We have to pick up my brother at the airport so you might want to get going.

Three and a half hours. That's how long I had to deal with all the cutesy shit that was happening in the front seat. There was not enough Dropkick Murphys on iTunes to drown out what was going on.

"Awesome. We're here." I opened the door as Tyler slowed down and pulled to the curb. "I'll go get Austin. Don't move."

I had gotten a text just a few minutes earlier that said he was waiting at baggage claim.

"Julie!" He yelled, waving me down. I ran towards him and attacked him.

"How's my big brother?"

"Tired, hungover, and more tired."

"Aww my big business man of a brother still can't handle his liquor?" I laughed, nudging his side.

"Not a whole bottle of it, no."

"Well, I have a lot to tell you." He grabbed his bag from the carousel and I walked him to Tyler's car.

"Jules, I'm scared to touch your dress. Can you move it?" I laughed and brought it over to my lap. A little bending for the short ride to the hotel wouldn't be a horrible thing.

We checked into the hotel rooms - all three of them - and made a plan to meet for dinner a few hours later. I unfolded my dress and left it laying on the bag in the corner of the room.

"So how did Grace end up with someone like Tyler Seguin? He's more of your type."

"Why do people keep saying that?" I whined as I buried my head in the pillow I brought with me.

"Because it's true. Why are you acting like that?" My brother sprawled out on his own bed and turned on the tv, flipping through the channels.

"Because I've had sex with Grace's boyfriend more than Grace has. The only reason they're together, is because of me."

"You set them up?"

"No. I didn't want a relationship with Tyler, but I really like him. He's such a good guy underneath all the tattoos and rumors. I got to know him pretty well."

"Then why don't you want to date him? Sounds like you two both really like drinking and sex."

"I also happen to really like dancing and I do want to date him. I just don't know."

"Someone's afraid of commitment." My brother taunted as he raided the mini bar.

"Dude. That shits way overpriced."

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