Chapter One (His Name)

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Okay I am going to try my best to write yandere. But before we get on with this chapter I need to give you a little bit of information.

Takeshi Gasai
Gender - Male
Hair Color - Redish Pink
Eye Color - Redish Pink
His name means fierce/warrior
He lives with his sister Yuno Gasai.

Okay I think that is enough for now. On with the chapter!

Your POV§

I wake up to the loud beeping of my alarm clock. I turn it off. Sitting up I stretched out and yawned. Another day as usual. I got up and proceeded to brush my teeth, comb my hair, wash my face, change clothes, and put on make up.
(If you don't wear any then forget that last part.)

I walked downstairs and greeted my mom. "Where's Dad?" I ask sitting down at the table. "He had to leave for work early." Mom explained. She placed my breakfast infront of me. I gladly ate my breakfast.

I looked at the time. I was late! I quickly said goodbye to my Mom and ran out the door for school.

I managed to catch up to my regular group of friends. "Hey Mal, Hinata." I say panting. "(Y/n) Why are you so out of breath?" Hinata asked looking at me. "Well I totally didn't just run all the way here because you know I totally wouldn't be out of breath from that." I mock sarcastically. "Yeah I know." Hinata flicked her hand. Mal quickly snapped a picture.

We got to class and I sat in the back next to Yuki. I felt uneasy. Why though? I look around the room and I see Yuno glaring at me. I look back to Yuki and he looked scared. Why is Yuki scared? He is scared of Yuno? I look back over to Yuno. I look to her left and see a boy staring at Yuki. His stare was threatening and piercing with anger.

He catches me looking at him. He gives me a beautiful blissful smile and turns back to the teacher. I sat in my seat puzzled.

What just happened? I asked myself.

After class I was cleaning up my things getting ready to leave. Someone handed ne my notebook. "Oh, thank you." I look up and see the boy from earlier. "No problem. My name is Takeshi Gasai." He holds out his hand. "Oh. Nice to meet you! My name is (F/n) (L/n)" I shake his hand. "I know. Anyway we should hang out some time." Before I could respond he disappeared.

I stood puzzled and confused again. I grabbed my bag and held the notebook tightly. He is an interesting character to say the least. Glaring at Yuki like that, then that smile he gave me. Giving me my notebook, knowing my name, asking to hang out then disappearing into thin air. Then his last name. Gasai. Where did I know that name from?

Some tapped me on the shoulder. "Hey you ditched us back there!" Hinata says smiling. "Oh sorry. I guess I just spaced out." I sigh. "Hey  you don't happen to know the name Gasai do you?" I ask. "What? You mean like Yuno Gasai?" Hinata asks. "Don't forget her brother Takeshi Gasai." Mal scooted in. That's where I knew his name from! Wait... Yuno and Takeshi are brorher and sister? "Oh yeah." I lie concealing the whole story. "Hey Um. I have to get home so bye Hinata! Bye Mal! See you tomorrow!" I quickly run off.

I was almost home. A weird feeling tingled up my spine. I quickly run inside my house and lock all the windows and doors. I go up to my bedroom and lay on my bed.

Takeshi POV§

I enter my house. Yuno was waiting for me. "You know Mom and Dad wanted us home right away!" She yelled. I rolled my eyes and we walked into the room where our parents were. We sit against the wall.

"Hi Mom, hi Dad. Don't worry you will meet my future husband soon. I know I have been saying that for a while but I mean it this time. I apologize for being late. Takeshi took a while." Yuno says her voice low and smooth. "Yes. I apologize for being late aswell. I was walking (Y/n) home. You will meet her soon. I promise. I am bonding with her. Just as you would have wanted." I say looking at the cage my parents laid in. And I breathed on the air of their rotting corpses.

Yuno and I started making dinner. "I saw you glaring at (Y/n) earlier." I say calmly. Yuno throws a knife right past my head. "And don't act like you weren't glaring at my Yuki earlier either!" She yells. "Well your Yuki was getting in the way of my (Y/n)" I yell back. "MY YUKI WOULD NEVER DO SUCH A THING YOU HEARTLESS BASTURD!" Yuno throws more knifes at me. "(Y/N) IS BETTER THAN THAT COWARD YUKI ANYWAY! THERE IS NOTHING ABOUT HIM THAT'S IMPORTANT!" I throw knives back at her.



It was another one of those fights again. We yelled almost all night long. 

There we go I hope you liked the first chapter. I will probably have the next chapter up in atleast a week. Probably less. But yeah hope you like it.

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