Chapter Thirteen (Possessive)

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Your POV

Somehow I made it out of the poison situation alive. The little kid ended up dying and Yuki and I are fine.

My parents are gawking over Takeshi and how amazing he is an how their daughter has such a great boyfriend and how he would make the perfect son in law. Like I know they love him and all but yeesh.

I was looking out the window in my room because I had, had enough of it.

Suddenly I feel hands snake around my waist and I turn to see Takeshi as he rested his chin on my head.

"(Y/n)." Takeshi says calmly.

I responded awkwardly. "Erm yes?"

"You know you are mine right?"

"What do you mean?"

"You are mine. Only mine. Mine for me and me only. You will be completely loyal to me alone and you will love no one other than me understand? I will remind you everyday if I have to." Takeshi gripped me tighter.

"O-of course?" I say hesitantly.

"And I can do anything to keep it that way." I could feel Takeshi grinning evil like even though my back was turned to him. "And do you know why (Y/n)?" He asked.


"Because I am possessive over you. And I want you to know that you can't be with anyone else. I'll make sure of it." Takeshi was squeezing me in his grasp so tight it was starting to hurt.

My breathing started to get raspy and heavy. That's when he let me go and my breathing went back to normal.

"You're mine (Y/n). And I'll tell you everyday and do anything to keep it that way."

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