Chapter Four (Nightfall)

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Your POV

My Mom shoved me in the guest room with Takeshi and locked the door. "MOM!" I banged on the door violently. I processed to bang my head on the door. "Why did this have to happen to me." I let out a long deep sigh.

"Just give up. Your parents want us up anyway. So the best you can do is go to sleep." Takeshi yawns. "Fine." I go over and lay down on the bed.

I barely even know Takeshi.  Why do my parents have to be like this. I sigh.

I wanted to toss and turn but it would be to... Weird... So I stayed still. "You still awake?" Takeshi asks. I flinched. "So you are awake." He rolls over. I stayed silent.

How did he know? I'm so confused.

"(Y/n) I know you are a
awake." Takeshi plays with my (H/c) hair. I continued to stay silent.

Takeshi grunts. "Answer me." His voice grew harsher. Takeshi sits up and grabs me pulling me close to him. I let out a little yelp because of how forceful he was.

"Remember (Y/n) you can't ignore me. You are mine to me and mine to everyone and mine to keep." Takeshi pulled me into another violent kiss. He layed me down and pulled the covers over me. "Goodnight (Y/n) Try and get some sleep. But no matter what you are mine to me and mine to everyone and mine to keep." Takeshi pats my head.

I blackout and fall asleep after that.

I slowly open my eyes and see my mom. "MOM!" I scream and jump up out of bed. Takeshi yawns. "Good morning Cerena."

"Good morning Takeshi. So (Y/n) anything interesting happen last night?" Mom asks nudging me. Interesting isn't really the world I would use. "No..." I lie. Mom pouts and goes downstairs.

Takeshi and I go down and eat breakfast. He finished relatively quick. "Sorry to be on my way so soon but I need to get back home." Takeshi gets up to let himself out. "Oh okay dear. You are welcome back any time." Mom waves Takeshi goodbye and he leaves.

Takeshi POV§

I walk into the kitchen were Yuno was cooking. "Where were you all night! Mom and Dad would have been pissed." She scoffed. "I was at (Y/n)'s house." I answer simply. Yuno dropped her things. "You were what?"

"I was at (Y/n)'s house." I repeat. "It's good to get to know them before the survival game starts. And I'm farther along then you are with Yuki." Yuno froze. There was a long pause. "Yeah when do you think old Denus is going to start the survival game. He isn't getting any younger." Yuno blows off everything else. "Well we already know hoe everything is generally going to go. This time it might be better to team up. I'll help Yuki and you help (Y/n) the four of us could make it to the end. Unless what happens last time happens. Then we might need to rethink pur plan." Yuno hummed. I nod in agreement. "I guess it would be better to team up. Just don't touch (Y/n)" I glare at Yuno. "Fine lets make a deal. I won't touch (Y/n) if you don't touch Yuki." Yuno hold out her hand. "Deal." We shake on it.

"Either way the survival game is going to start soon." I sit back down. "No doubt about it." Yuno sits next to me.


There we go chapter four. Hope you liked it. See you all next week bye~

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