Chapter Five (Survival Game)

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Your POV

I stretched and yawned. Back to school. I grab my journal from my desk. I open it.


I stared at my journal and started reading.

7:12- Mom teases me about Takeshi again.
7:34- Running late. Better take a short cut to school.
7:49-Talk with Hinata and Mal. Mal takes pictures of Hinata.
7:53- Got to class on time. Takeshi talks to me.

What the hell is this?

I shrug and go to get ready. I walk downstairs for breakfast.

"Back to school. Say hi to your boyfriend Takeshi for me okay?" Mom teased. My heart started racing faster. I flick my head over to a clock. 7:12 Impossible!

Flustered I quickly dash out of the door. I hear a weird static noise. I open my journal and my eyes widened.

7:15-I'm early to school.
7:26-Run into Hinata and Mal. Mal says I am pretty early. Hinata tells me how she thinks she is being stalked.
7:45-I got to class super early. Takehi talks to me until class started.

Those were different right?

Meanwhile~ Takeshi POV§

Yuno was humming cooking breakfast. I open my phone. "Looks like our plan worked." I smirked. Yuno turns around. "Are you saying this time there are 14 future diary users?" Yuno asks. "Yes. This time I have a diary of my own and it looks like (Y/n) has one this time." I scroll through my phone.

"Fine lets continue with the plan." Yuno turns back to cooking breakfast.

7:15- (Y/n) just left her house.
7:21- (Y/n) sees a cute bird.
7:26- (Y/n) meets up with her friends Hinata and Mal.
7:45- (Y/n) walks into the classroom. Let's talk to her.

Perfect. I close my phone smirking to myself.

Time skip§

I glance over at the time 7:45. (Y/n) should be here.  I was about to open up my phone but then (Y/n) entered the room. I get up and walk over to her. "Hello." I smiled. She seemed flustered. (Y/n) sat down at her desk with a puzzled look on her face.

I leen in and whisper in her ear. "I know you have a future diary."

I turn and walk away back to my desk.

Your POV§

My heart was pounding. How did he? Why did he?

I pull out my journal.

12:06- Takeshi sits next to me with Yuno and Yuki. Ask him about what he said earlier.

I sigh. Future Diary? I guess that's what you can call it. This is all to weird for me. Maybe it's just a freaky weird dream and I'll wake up in a few minutes.

Class continued it was lunch time. I sat down and started eating. I couldn't stop glancing at the time. 12:04. Still 12:04. I should stop. This is making me paranoid.

I take s bite of my lunch. Someone taps my shoulder and sits next to me. It was Takeshi. I glace back at the time. 12:06! IMPOSSIBLE IT WAS 12:04 LIKE THREE SECONDS AGO! I started panicking.

"Takeshi what did you mean? Like what you said earlier." I was flustered but somehow managed to say that calmly. "We have them too. I thought we could you know help eachother out." He smiled.

How is he so damn calm?

"We can start by helping Yuki. He has a dead end." Yuno sat down with Yuki. "Alright then." I was shaking.
How do they know all about this. What if I die? This dream just became a nightmare.

Time Skip§

I waited at the top of a building. This is were Yuki was supposed to be assassinated. I take out my journal.

5:39- He finds me. He knows something is up.
5:40-He cuts my throut.
                 Dead End


This can't be happening. What if I die?

My heart was beating out of my chest. My hairs stood on end.

Someone covered my mouth. "Shhhh. Don't worry (Y/n) I'll protect you." It was Takeshi. "You aren't going to die. All you need to do is change the future. Follow me." Takeshi takes my hand and drags me somewhere else.

I hear a static noise. He pushes me up against a wall. I take out my journal and read it.

5:41-He goes for Yuno. Yuki helps. I should too.
5:43-Takeshi saves me from getting cut. He is hurt. I should help him.

Okay thank god there isn't a dead end.

I sigh. I look at my watch for the time. 5:35. I hear footsteps growing louder. Takeshi runs out. Yuno runs at the guy. Yuki throws a dart. I get up and start running out to help.

Oh god what the hell am I even doing.

I quickly help the others.


His phone hits the ground. Yuki pulls out a dart a destroyed it even more. The guy yelled out in pain. A black circle grew larger and destroyed him.

"Did that really just happen..." I drop down to the ground. Takeshi picks me up and takes me home.

Okay there we go see you all next week! Bye~

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