Chapter Seven (Police)

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Your POV~

I wake up in my bedroom. I look at my arms they still had faint rope burns on them. I sigh and look ro my right. My journal lay on my nightstand. I pick it up and read it.

9:48- Yuki and Yuno come over.
9:50- We all leave to go meat up with a cop about the future diaries and school bombing.
10:16- He calls us in. Tell him what you know and he will make an alliance with you and the others.

I sighed in relief glad to not see a dead end on that page. I get up and walk downstairs.

Mom runs up to me. "(Y/n) You have to keep Takeshi. He saved your life!" She smiled. I look over and see Takeshi talking to Dad. I just sigh and shrug walking over to Takeshi.

"Hey Takeshi." I smile. "Hello (Y/n) glad to see you are awake." Takeshi smiles back and pats my head.

We keep talking and someone knocks on the door. "I'll get it." I walk over to the door already knowing it was Yuki and Yuno. Takeshi follows me. We all had our dairies in our hands.

"Ready?" Yuno asks.

"Hey wait where are you four going?" My Dad asks.

Oh great we can't tell him what we are really doing! We shouldn't know about the diaries. What woukd he accept? Um... Erm.... Think!

"We are going on a double date!" I spit out.

GOD DAMMIT! ERG! Why did I say that? ERG! I keep mentally slapping myself.

"Oh okay then. You guys have fun. But not too much fun." Dad smiles and walks away.

I exit the house and close the door.

"Nice cover (Y/n)." Yuno smiles. "Um. Thanks it was the first thing that popped into my head." I sigh.

We all soon get to the police station and get called in.

"Hello. I am officer Kurusu. Or 4th." He says. "Now please tell me the information you have."

"I am the 14th diary user. My name is (Y/n)." I said shaking.

"So there is fourteen diary users?" Kurusu taps something that changes the bored.

Fourteen labeled slots where there. The fourth had his picture. The ninth had that weird purple haired girl. Then the fourteenth now had mine.

"Then. Yukiteru Amano is the first." I gulped.

"And then Takeshi Gasai is the thirteenth. And his sister Yuno Gasai is the second." I was trying not to shake.

I had never been a part of a police investigation. It was scary.

"Okay thank you now I'll tell you what I know. Your homeroom teacher was a serial killer. Hiyama was the third diary user. The girl that attacked your school was a terrorist by the name of Minene Uryuu. With all this information it means. Fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth are still unidentified." Kurusu explains.

Wow we are farther along then I thought. I sigh.

Kurusu tells us a plan he has for us too meet up at the fair in two days to see if Minene will show up.

Yuki and I were nervous but the Gasai twins were perfectly fine with this. Why? They are still hiding something... But what?

Okay guys see you all next week. Or if I update sooner than that. Bye~

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