Chapter Three (The Kiss)

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Your POV§

I continued to walk with Takeshi next to me. Why was Takeshi out of all people walking me home? He is one of the most popular guys in the school. What is he doing with a dork like me? My sweat dropped.

It didn't help that I felt uneasy. "Don't be scared." Takeshi says. How did he... My thoughts trailed off. He simply smiled and patted my head.

I sigh. Takeshi is out of my league. Why is he doing this for someone like me? My sweat dropped again.

We both suddenly stopped. "Don't be scared (Y/n) I'm here to protect you." Takeshi hugs me. I blush. "Ta-Ta-Takes-" I was stuttering to find my words. "Shh... Little (Y/n) I'm here to protect you."

My lips were met with something lush and soft. Takeshi kissed me. I tried to pull away. He grabbed the back of my head and pulled me even closer to him.

I couldn't speak.

I couldn't move.

Takeshi continued to kiss me.

I can't breathe. I need air!

I tried to pull away again, but I couldn't.

I can't-

My legs felt wobbly and I slowly fell to the ground. Takeshi kept the kiss and slowly lowered me to the ground.

After a while he finally let's me go, but it was too late.

"Takeshi-" I couldn't finish my sentence. Everything went dark and I collapsed.

Takeshi POV§

(Y/n) looked so peaceful sleeping. My plan worked perfectly. I pick (Y/n) up bridal style and continue walking to her house. She was light as a feather.

I got to her house. "Were is (Y/n)?" Her mom asked.

Perfect. I snickered.

I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. (Y/n)'s mom answered. "(Y/n)! Oh please come in right away!" She scooted to the side. I walk inside the house.

"Follow me." (Y/n)'s mom takes me to her room upstairs. I gently lay her on her bed and cover her with her (F/c) blanket.

Her father entered. "Thank you so much for bringing her home. What happened?" He stroked (Y/n)'s (H/c) hair. "We were at the park and we were all about to head home. We walked together for some time. I couldn't see what, but she tripped on something and hit her head." I lie smiling. "Oh we must thank you for bringing her home." Her mother smiled. "It's not a problem really."

"How about you stay for dinner?" Her dad asks me. "Oh no. I shouldn't. I don't want to be a bother." I say innocently. "Sweetie you aren't a bother at all! Besides it's the least we can do for you after you brought (Y/n) home!" (Y/n)'s Mom was already setting the table.  "If you insist. So what should I call you?" I ask politely. "Call me Cerena sweetie." (Y/n)'s mom smiles. "And you can call me Ren." (Y/n)'s Dad hugs me. "And my name is Takeshi Gasai. You can call my Takeshi. Pleasure to meet you." I smile.

Your POV§

I jolt up from my bed looking around.

My bed? Was that just a dream? Did I drift off? I sigh. It probably is. What am I thinking? Takeshi would never kiss me. He is way out of my league. Stupid me. I get up and walk downstairs.

I froze. "Ta-Takeshi?" I stuttered. "Oh (Y/n)! You're awake my dear!" My mom walks over to me. She leans in and whispers in my ear. "Takeshi is a keeper. And make sure you use protection tonight."


She laughs. "What do you mean tonight?" I ask. "Takeshi is staying the night! I thought it would be nice to get to know my future son in law!"


"Anyway I am going to go get your room set up." Mom walks off. I was red as an apple.

Takeshi walks over to me. "Glad you're safe." He smiles and pats my head.


Okay by the way I will be doing the survival game in here and that will be Chapter Five I think so yeah. You have that to look forward to. Bye~

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