Chapter Eight (Falling for a Killer)

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So how long has it been sense I updated this? I am so sorry but I am back and back to weekly updates.
Your POV

I slowly open my eyes to see my room. I remembered what happened.

Takeshi had carried me home and my parents had heard what happened and they where happy I was okay. This made them even more for Takeshi.

But why would he kill people? He slaughtered them right before my eyes.

I sat up. My mouth still burned from the ropes. Why would this happen to me? I don't want anyone to die because of me.

Takeshi enters the room. I scoot twords the head of my bed and curl up with my arms around my knees.

Takeshi sits next to me. I could feel his warmth. It was so comforting. It made me want to snuggle closer to him. No! I was mad at him! Then why do I want to kiss him? He killed people! Then why do I want for him to tell me everything is alright and stay here till I'm sleeping soundly with no nightmares to come?

Was I really falling for a killer? Does that mean I am getting Stockholm syndrome? No he has never kidnapped me before. But he did kill people infront of me.

Takeshi wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer.

He was so warm I wanted to bury my face in his chest.

"It's okay (Y/n) I'll protect you. I won't let anyone hurt you. No matter what the cost." He said. The word 'anyone' he said harshly with that same killing voice instead of the sweet voice we said the rest of the sentence like.

Then something soft and sweet touched my lips. Takeshi was kissing me. But it wasn't one of those really violent making me unconscious kisses. It was a real kiss, a sweet one.

He pulled away and I actually didn't want that tiny sweet kiss to stop. But I couldn't be falling in love with him could I?

But... Takeshi, I think I love him.

Sorry it's short but I had to get a chapter out. See you all next week.

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