Chapter 19

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Jess pov*!

We've been staying at the safe house for two full weeks now, and we're going out to dinner now. My dad said we can go home whenever we'd like but Tia and I kind of like the safe house better then our normal home because it's super big and has so many rooms we can gossip all day without being bothered with any of the boys. Jay and I pulled in to the parking lot of Anchor Away a new sea food joint that just opened up not too long ago. We went in and saw Tia and Carl already at the table and went over to sit with them. "Hey you guys" I said while sitting down with a big smile. "What are you so happy for" Carl said to me. "Because I made her that way" jay answered for me. "Nigga Shutup I don't want to hear that shit." He said waving his hand at us. We all laughed. Carl started a conversation with Jay, "ay man the house is finished we should cook out tomorrow in the back." He said. "Sounds like plan to me" jay agreed. The waiter came and took our order and several moments later was back with our food. We dug in and left.

I felt jess shaking me while I was sleeping. Finally I opened my eyes and seen her in tears holding her abdominal area I instantly shot up from the bed. What's the matter jess "it hurts jay, I don't know what's wrong" I put a shirt on her cause she was only in tank top and I slipped a shirt on as well I carried her down the stairs grabbed the keys and headed to the car. I put jess in the backseat so she could lay down she was literally screaming her head off. She was yelling at me to hurry up. I know it's way to early for her to be in labor she's only 24 weeks I finally pulled up to the emergency room and ran in to get the receptionist so she could alert a nurse and they got jess on a stretcher and into the hospital. I parked the car and the nurse led me to where she was. "She's about to start pushing you need to get in there", a nurse told me. I looked at her confused "what do you mean? She's only 5 months pregnant what do you mean" I panicked. I got in the room and grabbed jess hand while she's crying in pain, "ay doctor I yelled there's a lot of blood down there that's not normal you need to something" I said implying to jess. The doctor was suited up with a face mask,a gown and gloves. I went over to jess and held her hand while she was getting ready to push, I kissed her forehead and told her I loved her in her ear. Moments later jess pushed out a tiny baby boy, we didn't get to hold him they took him immediately and placed him in a incubator. I cried with jess while I held her. The doctor came back in and I got up from the bed with jess. "Is our baby boy going to be ok?" I asked. "Well he was born prematurely obviously he's not going to be able to leave the hospital until your actual due date. You can come and stay the night or how ever long you want to be with your baby." "Is there anything I could of done to have prevented this?" Jess asked still crying but not as hard. "No Jessika it happens a lot the cervix just opened way to early. There's nothing you could have did to prevent this." The nurse came in to give jess pain meds once the doctor left. I called Carl and mister right after jess went to sleep. Several moments later they all were here. You could tell that I had been crying we walked over to where my baby boy was so they could see him. Tia started crying, "my poor nephew. I pray he'd be just fine. Jess cannot take anymore L's" she whined I hugged her. "T we can't be doing this we have to stay strong for Jessika she needs us." Carl hugged me "lil prince gone be straight he's a fighter" he said while hitting my head. We all walked back to jess room. She was sleeping so peaceful mister walked in and went to her bedside and kissed her forehead. "My princess" mister cooed. "I'll be back y'all I'm going to the cafeteria." I don't know how to handle situations like this I know I have to be supportive and uplifting to my fiancé but it's kind of hard to do that when I'm fucked up about this whole situation too. Soon as I stepped foot of the elevator my phone starting ringing I answered it, it was Carl. "Ay bro you need to get back up here ASAP" he sounded concerned I didn't ask any questions because I didn't know what situation I was going to return to I prayed the whole way back up there with tears faintly failing from my eyes.

I walked into Jessika's hospital room to see everyone balling their eyes out and Carl covering his face with his hands so no one could see that he was crying. "What's going on?" I asked clueless and scared. The doctor turned to me "Jayceon Right?"Yeah that's me I replied. He took another look at his clipboard and informed me that my son is suffering with Asphyxia, which means that he didn't get enough oxygen before and after pregnancy, beings that her cervix opened way too early we had no control over that. The worst news is he's not going to make it longer then 5 days. "We have him on a machine right now he's not breathing on his on because he can't. There's still hope anything could happen Jayceon but looking at our diagnosis as of today, he's not making any progress. Well he keeping a very close eyes on him." I couldn't stop the tears by the time he was finished informing me about my prince. I quickly Wiped them before walking over to comfort Jess. I held her really tight. While giving her a long kiss on her forehead. Tia got up and hugged both of us while she was still crying. "We have to go jess, lyssa is with our neighbor and i don't want to leave her over there too long." She said while hugging Jess again and telling her how much she loved her. Once Carl got up he head to hug his baby sister first. He kissed her forehead. "Baby girl, prince got this" he said while leaning his forehead on to hers "I love you sis." That made her cry even harder, she finally spoke "I love you guys too." Carl headed over to me and "hugged me have faith big bro." He said while tapping my back firmly. The both headed to the door "we'll be back here tomorrow baby girl" Carl said before shutting the door.

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