Chapter 28

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Jess POV

I woke up to Shay all in my face with her morning breath, what mommas baby? You hungry? She bounced up and down saying "da da da da" I smiled and said no say "ma ma" she don't listen I grabbed her and went to the bathroom and sat her on
the floor while I used the bathroom and did my morning hygiene. I've been staying with my dad in Florida on a beach house. Jay and haven't seen each other since we came clean to one another about our secrets we kept from each other that was about 6 months ago. I heard a knock at the door I didn't even think to look in through the peep hole because I thought maybe it was my dad and he forgot his keys or something. So I open the door and there stood Zeek. I tried to shut the door but he over powered me and I fell to the ground. Zeek what do you want and how did you even know I was here? I yelled at him. He didn't say a word he just seen Shay barley walking and picked her up. "Don't keep my daughter from me jess, you bugging" he said while sitting on the couch. Zeek you're setting my family up, I never meant anything to you and Shay is not you're daughter leave now! I yelled he didn't budge he was just trying to figure out what I was talking about. "What do you mean setting your family up jess? Girl I love you and Shay I'd never do anything to put y'all in harms way" he said while still holding on to Shay she was bouncing in his lap. Your twin brother Zach is, he's telling everyone that Jayceon set him up and now there's people after him, all of us. I said. He stood up and put Shay down to crawl, "wait my brother is doing all of this?" I shook my head yeah he didn't say anything he just kissed Shay's forehead and left. He act as if he didn't know. Probably all just a front. He knows.

Zeek POV
"Ay man you know a Jayceon?" I asked into the phone towards my brother.
"Yeah that nigga dead"
What you mean dead? You killed him?
"Na but I ain't seen him in about 8 months down this way, I ain't get em someone else did unless the bitch just laying low, but he can't lay low for long" what's your beef with him? You know you putting my family in danger with this drug bull shit? I yelled at him. "Nigga what family? We are family, I'm your only family" he said getting smart.
Jessika and my daughter man I love them you don't understand, you better stay the fuck away from them. I yelled before hanging up the phone. I tried calling Jessika but her phone was disconnected she probably changed it. So I decided to stop by her beach house again, I seen her pulling out the garage so I waited so I could follows her, she finally pulled in to the gym and I pulled up behind her. I walked up to her car before she got out. She looked upset,she got out and folded her arms "why are you following me Zeek" I put my forehead on hers and took a deep breath. I looked in her eyes for a minute before I kissed her. She let me.
When I pulled away she started to cry. "Don't make this hard for me Zeek you're making my feelings get stronger for you when I want them to leave" she whined. Why jess? I asked while still holding on to her. "My loyalty lies with Jayceon, I can't let those years just go to waste like that Zeek"

I wasn't caring about what the hell she was saying about jayceon because if he loved her she would be looking over her shoulder  twenty four seven. If he loved you jess you wouldn't be in hiding right now, I said while rubbing my hands across my head. She then glared at me for a moment."it's not jus his fault I knew what I was getting myself into when I agreed to be engaged with h-" but do you love him Jessika? I interrupted her. She put her head down and didn't answer. "I gotta go Zeek" she tried to walk away but I grabbed her and kissed her one last time and gave her my old phone. I'll text you since you won't give me your number I said while walking off. I watched her go into the gym doors and I just sat in my car thinking about her. Man I love that girl,  she deserves so much more than what she's accepting. I swear I'm going to be the one who gives her and Shay the world and more.

You have to let that shit go bro? I said to Zach while he kept going on and on about how much of a trader Jayceon were. "My boy in this here business you don't let that type of shit go until you put bullets in them." I shook my head at him because something is seriously wrong with my brother I love him to death but I'm tired of being the on to look after him. All I know is if he just as so much go near Jessika and my daughter I'll kill him myself.
I walked out the room to my phone vibrating. I looked at it and it had to be jess because it was my old phone number.

(870)866-9436: hi

Me: hey beautiful 😉

(870)866-9436: are you still in Florida? My dad wants to meet with you.

Me: I'm not, but I can be in the next 24 hours. Give me a little bit.

(870)866-9436: ok, it's really important.

Me: I'll be there baby girl, kiss Shay for me.. I love you both.

She didn't reply after that, but I started to pack and booked the first available flight.

I arrived at Jessika's beach house and I knocked but the door was already cracked. I walked in to call for Jessika before I knew it I was knocked down to the floor I was halfway unconscious until a kick came to my chin. I was then out like a light.

Sorry for any mistakes this was really off the dome🤷🏾‍♀️but I think it was good. This for you @ashontaArchie

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